Some Thoughts of Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk

Aug 10, 2015 11:51

One of the games I was reading before heading off to this year's GenCon was a game that I had Kickstarted for various reasons. Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk

Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk RPG

The game environment of Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk is a world of dark sorcery and burning skies. With a strong dash of Persian mythology and a desert culture added to desperate sword & sorcery excursions into the burning desert, towering ancient temples and the fear of dark and terrible Gods. Group style play (every player has multiple characters) is the norm for this game, and a flexible free-form magic system with rules based on the classic and proven WEG D6 system makes this game even more interesting.

The appeal to me of this game is many-fold, but three stand out for me. First off, I adore Persian mythology and legends, and that struck the right chord in me, but add to that the sword & sorcery elements of the game and well, sold! Second, the classic West End Games D6 system is one that I always liked, from back in the days of Star Wars and TORG: The Possibility Wars, and the variant that was discussed for this game was one that I thought could work well in the context of this fantasy rpg. Finally, the artwork for this game rulebook is watercolour style, definitely reinforces the feel of the game, and completely sold me on game as if the other two points weren't good enough!

Sorcerers of Ur-Turuk interior page

While I know that I'll never get Tammy to play this game (after her experience in troupe play with the Sunday group back when), I suspect that both the Wednesday and Friday night players would love to play this game, and it would make a good sword & sorcery change from Atlantis: The Second Age for a bit. Different style, different feel, different focus to the game. So, we'll see...

personal, rpg hut, rpg chat, sorcerers of ur-turuk rpg

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