As mentioned earlier today, the Friday night gamers did play last night, but managed to surprise me.
When they arrived around 7:00 pm, the players told me that they've found me to be quite stressed and not really up to snuff with rpging the last few weeks or so, and had decided that I would get a Friday night off to relax and unwind. To that end, the players and I got to game some
Tales of the Arabian Nights, the magnificent board game from the folks at Z-Man Games.
I'm not going to go into detail about the game, but suffice to say that we played a complete game in around 4 hours or so, didn't rush things, had a blast watching our characters suffer the slings and arrows of Fate, and even got to see Ellie doing the paragraph reading for the rest of the players for 20 minutes or so before she got tucked in for some sleepy time. I got shape-shifted and Lost in the game several times, and so did not win this evening's game, but to be honest, I couldn't have cared as I was having so much fun just relaxing, and enjoying the adventures and mishaps that my character (and the others) had.
It's been a while since I got to play this game, and an enjoyable night was had all around. Tales of the Arabian Nights certainly hit the right spot for me last night. :)