Stuff on A Wednesday Afternoon

Jan 28, 2015 16:42

Came home from work feeling pretty blah. Work was decent today, and my somewhat twisty brain was not put to the test too much during the day.

When I got home, I was able to assess how I'm doing. I've got a headache, a low-grade fever, a bit of a cough, some sniffles, and some swelling of my neck glands that doesn't seem to be consistently there. That and I've lost my voice for the rest of the day. (And there are folks who are probably pretty happy about this last part!) :)

I came into the house, warmed myself up with a cup of tea (the fifth or sixth I've had already today), and settled in with a couple of PVRs from the week to watch. After that, I sat down, and took a load off, closed my eyes, and fell asleep for 20 minutes. Obviously, my body needed that. I've spent what little was left of the afternoon reading some more of the River of Heaven game rulebook. I've gotten to the game universe material on stuff, and this for me has been the "meat" and the best part of the read so far, though earlier sections were pretty neat as well.

I still have to decide what to do about gaming tonight, but I figure I'll call Donna and the others and see how they feel about things.

reading hut, dvd, rpg hut, work, health hut, personal, sickness, sick, office, wednesday gaming group, river of heaven rpg, tv hut, gaming hut

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