Morning Thoughts of Friday Night Game Session

Oct 12, 2013 11:29

Had a pretty good evening with the Friday night gaming group last night.

The players continued on with the Yggdrasill RPG campaign last night, starting a brand new scenario. One that I've run variants of in pretty much every rpg that I've ever run over the years.

The scenario got off to a good start, but what has impressed me the most with the Friday night players and their characters so far has been the relationships being established. Kathy's hirdman is having a wonderfully interactive relationship with Angela's noble, whom she's pledged to protect, but the two characters are developing a cameraderie and affection for one another that's more than just noble/protector. And their banter has been quite...lovely. Nick's thulr has discovered he's got a good deal in common with Tom's scout and Joanne's volva, so there's a good friendship there, so far - and one that led to some interesting behaviour during the last combat kerfuffle the group had.

Anyway, great gaming session to start the second scenario. Looking forward to next Friday's game session.

personal, rpg hut, rpg chat, yggdrasill rpg, friday gaming group

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