Jun 24, 2013 07:39
Woke up this morning to a downright depressing sight.
The world outside the house windows was just a perpetual shade of dark grey, with smatterings of rain coming down. To make it even more depressing, the air is thick and oppressive, as the forecast high for today is 32oC (with a humidex of around 40oC); for those into Fahrenheit, that's damned uncomfortable!
In the meantime, here in the office the temperature is quite comfortable, though the work load on my desk at the moment is somewhat alarmingly high. I'm gradually working my way through the stacks of papers here on my desk, but I can tell that it's going to be a long day. Lots of people in the office are grumpy, no doubt due to the weather and the fact that it's a Monday morning, but I think I'm looking forward to the morning coffee break.