Dec 19, 2006 13:45
Well just completly wasted my lunch break in town. I was trying to get my mum's christmas present, which I think i can safely say here without her finding out is Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis. So upon arriving in Waterstones, not being familiar with the religion section of the store I ask if they have it, and am told they have 2 copies, so assistant takes me to the religion section.. and its not there. So being C.S.Lewis she says maybe it will be in the C.S.Lewis (Literature) section (nope) or the kids section (nope again). I then spend near to an hour going from bookshelf to bookshelf trying to find one of these 2 copies to no effect.
I mean not being able to find some wierd esoteric toy in woolworths or something I could understand, but how hard is it to file books right? Some bloke call Dewey even did a system for you to follow!