I, of course, wasn't able to reply to all your recent replies in a timely manner, but I would have just repeated myself a dozen times, anyway. My response would have been: "I feel so loved!" And I do. And I love all y'all right back. So much.
Yesterday was my parents' 27th wedding anniversary. 27th. Wow. And they've been together longer than that. The Snippet and I are taking my two sisters for the weekend, so as to give the folks anniversary time. This should be interesting. As I mentioned to
austin360 today, the baby sister uses S as her human jungle gym. As soon as she sees him, she immediately squeals his name and does a flying leap into his arms, and then scales up his body like a monkey in a tree. She especially likes to perch near his head. It's the cutest thing ever, but if I were him, it would drive me crazy. Luckily he really does have the patience of a saint.
As for the teenage sister, I think she's coming over solely to play Sims2. I feel so cheap and used!
I can't even tell you how lovely it is knowing I can chat with any of you over email, if I have to miss out on LJ.
Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend.