I'm a somewhat shaky photographer, so hey, why not give this a try?
Digital Focus: Make the World's Cheapest Tripod
By Dave Johnson, PC World
Here's how to make a string tripod, a simple do-it-yourself stabilizer that wins you sharper photos.
Recently, a friend of mine was going whale watching on a small boat on Puget Sound and asked how to get the sharpest possible photos while confined to a small boat.
My usual advice -- bring a tripod -- didn't apply. Not only is a tripod difficult to manage on a boat, but it's just not the right tool for the job, since you have no idea where the whales might pop up. You'd always be moving the tripod or trying to swing the camera around when a giant fish popped out of the water. (Please, no e-mail: I know that whales are really mammals.)
So I suggested that my friend make one of the oldest do-it-yourself photo gadgets in the history of photography: a string tripod.
Better photography with string
String tripods are also sometimes known as string monopods, and if you think about it, a monopod is really a better description. Imagine connecting one end of a length of string to your camera and the other end securely to the ground. When you pull the camera up and make the string taut, you've stabilized the camera. It's that easy!
Keep in mind that a real tripod will always give you better results. But string is cheap, fits in your pocket and can increase the sharpness of your photos dramatically when you're holding the camera. In unusual situations -- like on a boat or in a museum that doesn't permit tripods -- a string tripod can be a lifesaver. It's even great for nature walks, soccer practice or anywhere else you don't want to be weighed down by a traditional tripod.
Make your own
To make a string tripod, you just need a length of string that you can affix to the bottom of your camera. Most string tripod enthusiasts tie the string to a 1/4-inch bolt or a quick-release tripod mount. The other end of the string is tied into a loop that you can slip around your foot.
You get bonus points for making your string tripod for free -- check the toolbox in your garage for an old 1/4-inch bolt with an eyelet that you can tie the string through, for instance. If you have to, though, you can always get an inexpensive tripod quick-release plate from your local camera shop, like I did.
Shooting with the string tripod
When you're ready to shoot, just slip your foot through the loop and screw the bolt into the tripod mount on the bottom of your camera. If the string is the right length, the camera will be at eye level while the string is taut. If it's too long, you can wrap it around your foot some more or just loop off some line with a knot. It's all pretty low tech, so do whatever works for you.
The string will cut down on translational vibration (the up-down kind of motion), but allow you to rotate to the left or right. You can use this homemade gadget to take panning action shots at soccer practice, stand ready for breaching whales or take pictures in a church or museum. Yes, it looks a little goofy, but the results are worth it -- trust me.
Hot Pic of the Week
Get published, get famous! Each week, we select our favorite reader-submitted photo based on creativity, originality and technique. Every month, the best of the weekly winners gets a prize valued at between $15 and $50.
Here's how to enter:
Send us your photograph in JPEG format at a resolution no higher than 640 by 480 pixels. Entries at higher resolutions will be immediately disqualified. If necessary, use an image editing program to reduce the file size of your image before e-mailing it to us. Include the title of your photo along with a short description and how you photographed it. Don't forget to send your name, e-mail address and postal address. Before entering, please read the
full description of the contest rules and regulations.
This week's hot pic: "Sunbeams at Old Man's Cave," by Kevin Bonham, Proctorville, Ohio
Kevin writes that he took this photo at Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. He says that he took the photo from the creek bed that runs along the Old Man's Cave Trail fairly early in the morning, when there was still some mist in the air to diffuse the sunlight.
This week's runner-up: "Lonely Tree," by Caroline Cormier, Reno, Nev.
Caroline says she captured this scene near her house with a Nikon 70D.
See all the Hot Pic of the Week photos
Hot Pic of the Month: Each month we choose one of our weekly winners to be the Hot Pic of the Month. For May, we chose "Boats in Jaffa Harbor," by Yurika Golin, from New York.
Congratulations to Yurika and to everyone else who won a Hot Pic of the Week last month. To see all the Hot Pic winners for May,
view the slide show. Keep those entries coming!
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