Jul 16, 2005 22:22
Alright, I’m probably going to get a lot of shit for this one, but go fuck yourselves.I haven't updated in a while, so I figured I had mise well do it and get something off my chest.
What is with the trend as of late that encourages being complete and downright inconsiderate. Wayyyy cool dude you treat people so unbelievably idioticly. What makes you so much better than someone standing right next to you? IQ’s and mental capabilities aside; how do you get off treating someone like dirt when in most cases you do not even know them or who/what/ and why they stand for the things they do? People seem to get off on the mere thrill of making someone feel like shit. Are you really that full of yourself that you think when you tell someone they are not as good as you, it makes you look better? I hate to break it to you, but this is not the case my dear friends. It makes you look like a downright idiot for treating someone that is just as capable at breathing as you are, like filth. We are 16(take or give a few years) old. You all have a lot of mental growing to do, as I’ll admit so do I, but I still cant fathom how people sleep at night after the things they do to people. Stop acting like you know everything there is to know in the universe, because you don’t. Also, when it comes to maturity you obviously have a whole ton more of growing to do seeing as you take things that to some people may be obvious insecurities and turn them around on other people. The thought that people are mean to other human beings just for the hell of it makes me sick. Where does that get you in the long run? With people you treated like shit, becoming something successful because they actually looked at the brighter things in life, and you a lonely and miserable social dropout that assumed they knew the world. Good luck, I hope all of you out there fuck yourselves over big time. You’re time will come, and believe me, you wont be shining.
Ali Rose and Jessica Marie you two are both amazing girls that are so strong and I love you for it. I'm so glad that I got to share tonite with you two and Ryan, even through the stupid things that happend. I'm here anytime, for annnnyyyything.