"Maybe tomorrow will make things clearer."

Sep 27, 2004 09:00

I'm going through a phase of being positively obsessed with hp_dungeons.

Sirius and Luna (a couple I have never cared for) are in the midst of a fight that I hope will break them up for good. Luna slept with some stranger, who, rumor has it, might be Percy's new husband, and, anyway, she tells Sirius she slept with this stranger and he gets mad and leaves. And then everyone from Ron to Neville to Harry jump to Luna's aid and go on and on about how cruel Sirius is and how terrible a man he is, and I do not get it. At all. In fact, I was getting quite infuriated at the lot of them. Until rjohnlupin steps in and writes this to Sirius:

I said it last night, when you were too drunk to hear it, and I'll say it again today, and every time you need me to, Sirius: I'm here. I have your back. I don't hate you, and I'm sure as fuck not going to pass judgement on you while you're cut to the heart. You do what you need to do, and if I see you setting yourself up for unnecessary pain and anguish, you can bet your arse I'll kick you in the teeth before I let you go to it. But whatever else happens, Sirius, don't think you're in it alone. I did that to you once. Never again.

And then this morning, after a flurry of even more threatening owls to Sirius and some very nasty talk from Harry, rjohnlupin posts an intense post which includes this:

When you betray a trust, you are in the wrong. That is the end of it. All extenuating circumstances aside, when you step outside the mutually agreed-upon contract of behavior -- like, oh say, sleeping with a stranger and only telling someone who is MEANT to be the love of your life as an afterthought -- then if the betrayed needs some time to forgive you, then you suck it up, and you take your lumps, and you cope with it. You do NOT play the wounded victim, and do your utmost to twist every single one of the man's friends against him.

I betrayed him once, and I let him go, and I did not press him until he was READY to forgive me. I certainly did not turn the whole thing into some passive/aggressive farce about what a horrible, hurtful man he was, and how he had somehow done me wrong. I still don't feel that I have earned the forgiveness that man has offered me, but that is not my place to say. He has forgiven me, because he is a generous soul when allowed to be. But backed into a corner and harried to the ground, he is nothing less than savage, and anyone who knows a hair of him also knows that!

I don't think it's possible for me to love him any more. I am very firmly on his side in this battle.

I think the root of Luna's behavior is that she knows Sirius and Remus are meant for each other, and despite the fact that they're being terribly restrained and doing the right thing, Luna can't cope with the threat Remus poses. So she's chasing Sirius away, and I don't think she deserves any of the support she's getting - especially from Harry, who should simply know better.

It's important to confess that I have a giant weak spot for snuff_dog. He tries so hard to be a good man even though he's plagued by doubts. He's afraid he doesn't deserve love, that his past haunts him and won't let him be happy, and that he's really as dark as the rest of his family. And Luna is only making things worse. I feel like she only knows Sirius on the surface, because if she really did understand him, she would be able to pull herself together and realize how deeply she's hurting him.

The full moon is tomorrow in the Dungeons calendar, and I'm hoping Remus asks Sirius to spend the change with him, or that Sirius does it anyway without Remus asking; either way, I hope it poses the opportunity for Remus and Sirius to spend some time together with minimal heartbreak. I'm tired of reading about Luna at any rate, although I'd settle for quidditch_prat getting a lecture from Remus, because, really, shame on him.

my vi

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