I don't know who Caligula is, but if she's, like, a total drunken slut, then yeah

Dec 07, 2009 14:46

In brief:

Middleman: OH MY GOD can I please move into this story? I don't think I've watched something this hilarious, heart-warming, geektastic, and smart since Buffy, and its sharper in a happier way than Buffy, tuned in but also hopeful. I watched the Palindrome Reversal Palindrome this weekend and am going to go back and watch the whole series again.

Supernatural: I'm eight episodes into season 4, and, well, I feel bad about it, but I don't like Castiel. He's all GOD LOVES YOU DEAN HERE IS SOME VAGUE PROOF *CRAZYEYES* I like how we're meeting warrior angels and not Hallmark card angels, but the fact that Castiel rescued Dean ultimately negates any of his ability to appear as a legitimate threat if Dean doesn't do as he says. Or suggests. Or implies with crazed emphasis.

Farscape: Oh, Season Three, you hurt so much but I love you all the more for it. I watched Eat Me and started Thanks for Sharing and if this week goes south, I'm throwing up my hands and watching all the way through Infinite Possibilities all in one sitting.

December: I'm headed to the doctor this afternoon to follow up on my super fun emergency room visit Thursday night after I passed out at work, effectively filing the first week of December in the same filing cabinet of fail as November. I have been told to expect lots of tests and lots of questions. Thrilling.

eyes without a face!, surely heaven waits for you, no going to the lighthouse, i apologize for my strengths

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