This is a love song in my own way

Feb 05, 2008 18:17

Feeling kind of CRAZY today. One of the risks of getting up in the morning to write is that whatever story I'm working on often colors the rest of the day. When I'm writing Frank at the bakery or Ray in the deli, it's easy to feel excited and hopeful, thinking about the way things fit together in that world. Right now, though, I'm writing a coming out story, what's essentially a sobriety fic, and this kind of random story full of late night phone calls and insomnia that's going nowhere fast. And so I feel a little like I'm young, different and alone, thinking like a navel-gazing alcoholic, and pining for someone whose only loves me as a friend and whose doing stupid things that keep me up all night worrying. CRAZEEEEE!! I can't even think about bandombigbang, which involves a MURDER INVESTIGATION.

Let's talk about something that's not my crazy brain: Like Crusade. See, ok, here's the thing with this show. For the first 13 episodes, they tell is there's a PLAGUE. And we have FIVE YEARS. And the show gets cancelled mid-season. SO WHAT HAPPENS TO EARTH???

The thing is, we know, from several flash-forward Babylon 5 episodes, that everything turns out fine, just as we always knew it would, but, still, it's one of the weirdest feelings to have this 5-year plot cut off just as it's getting off the ground.

However, before the creative differences that ended this shaky but promising show, there was a MOMENT. A moment to make me go all *wavy hands*. A moment between my two favorite characters. Galen gets all Techno-Angsty and fights a robotic evil version of a Technomage and uses his power-center to destroy him and then mourns the loss of his staff, because it was uniquely his. There's a painful moment of exposition where Gideon goes on and on about how there was no way to get the staff back because of the cave that collapsed around it. The Dureena appears, covered in dirt, soot, and a thousand other dirty, dirty things, and, of course, she's carrying Galen's staff, because she's the thief who can break into any place, including, apparently, a collapsed cave. She walks into the room, and there's a full minute of silence. She holds the staff out to him, and Galen wraps a hand around hers as he takes the staff, and they look at each other. I mean, they look at each other. It was amazing, and it was everything I loved about J. Michael Straczynski's understanding of characters. It was what would have kept me watching for FIVE YEARS OF A SEARCH FOR A CURE TO THE DRAHK PLAGUE. It's the kind of stuff I'd write fanfic about. And maybe I will!

I miss the Minbari. I miss being SANE. I'm going to go play with LibraryThing tag mashes.

coffee on demand, stitch away, whatever remains however improbable, the circle completing itself

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