1. Dear Internet,
I love you, and I love the access you give me to the wonders of social networking playthings, but would you please produce a tool that allows me to log in to all of my accounts at one time, or at the very least, one central location from which I may view, edit, and otherwise create content? I have several widgets, toolbar extensions, and various shortcuts, but every time I sit down at a computer other than my home computer, I am essentially alphabetically opening and logging into my favorite places one after another: 43things, del.icio.us, Facebook, GoodReads, Google Reader, Livejournal, Twitter, Vox, Wordpress - and we both know I'm only going to keep adding more, so, what have you got for me?
With love and user-generated content,
2. I have started watching the second season of Voyager, and I have to tell you, I think I am in love with Chakotay. I think it's entirely because Janeway is in love with Chakotay, although apparently Torres is, too, and I didn't think the show could imply something stranger than Tom Paris and Kes, but, oh, they can. The thing is, I still don't like Janeway. She's so "yes ma'am" and Captain-y, with her shoulders back and her clipped commands followed by her gung-ho adventurer smile, and she doesn't ring true for me, except when she's with Chakotay, as though he's whispering under his breath, "Relax, Captain. I'm here so you don't have to do it all yourself."
3. I'm nearing the end of my listen-through of Deathly Hallows, and if I wasn't choked up when
Snape grabs Harry and says, "Look at me," right before he dies, I was certainly driving with tears streaming down my face when Harry watches Snape's memories, especially the later ones, where we get to see Snape and Dumbledore's relationship - especially Snape asking Dumbledore never to tell anyone how he loved Lily and Dumbledore says, "Never tell anyone about the best of you?" and even moreso, Snape caring for the newly-cursed Dumbledore, offering sardonically to kill him now. I just. I've never loved Snape in the books (though the rich fandom creation of him makes my heart pound with the magic of our collective imagination) but he turns out to be such a complicated character once we know the whole story and I love that about these books, the way JKR can take Snape, who we've loathed and suspected of evil from the very beginning, and make him, not actually ever a nice man, but a man deeply moved by the power of love, the one thing that the evil villain of the story can never understand.
4. I was listening to the country music station before I got on the highway, and I have "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problems" stuck in my head, and somehow it's a perfect anthem for today's bright sun peeking around low grey-blue clouds, and all the crisp fall colors everywhere. No problems, indeed.