"You and your timing."

Oct 24, 2007 09:06

OMG Farscape. I have watched the "We're So Screwed" trilogy at the end of season four in several parts over the past four days, and been all wavy hands and emphatic gesturing at the tv about how amazing this show is, how well it tells a story, how funny and how real these characters are, how like a family, and how big and astounding and clutch-my-heart-in-its-hand John Crichton's story has been, and how my favorite scenes are so often John and Aeryn just looking at each other without speaking a word and I have just been lost in my love for this show.

This morning, I watched Bad Timing. If I didn't know there was still the Peacekeeper Wars, I think I wouldn't have survived. Honestly, I'm not even sure I'm alive right now.

There's a re-run of Charmed on in the background now, the one where Piper, Paige, and Phoebe get turned into tiny doll-sized versions of themselves, and I'm thinking about Doomsday and I'm thinking about Z'ha'dum and I'm thinking about Gethsemane/Redux/Redux II and the best and worst, worst and best (my side! your side! my side! your side!) thing about Farscape is that they give you everything you want. All of it, right there. The coin falls into the water, baby is John's, Aeryn says yes, John puts his mother's ring on her finger, their friends are watching, and because this is Farscape, you're waiting for when it's all going to be taken away, waiting for it all to go horribly wrong, and when it does, your heart is screaming out like D'Argo, but the moment before it does, before the joy gets immediately, inevitably followed by pain, Aeryn makes it all right, with a joke, a grim acceptance that this is the universe, this is their life, this is what it's like to fall in love with John Crichton. Aeryn makes it all right with a kiss before everything is gone.

I'm going to stumble blindly through the day until tonight, when it's Game 1 of the Red Sox in the World Series and I can flail all over again, because isn't baseball just another type of story?

jersey with your name on it, *wavy hands*, i apologize for my strengths

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