Is it weird that I'm thinking of baseball in terms of tv shows?

Oct 16, 2007 18:29

Baseball: Last night, I decided that Mike Lowell's nickname is "Southie" since he looks like you'd find him there, drinking beer and watching the game instead of being, you know, in the game. I also laughed a lot at the Indians' Ryan Garko, who can't catch a ball without falling over. The actual baseball fan in my house said, after I protested that it was fine if the Sox lost since there were still five games left, "They can't lose again! It'll hurt their confidence." I walked away saying, "Their self esteem is not my problem." But they lost! So, maybe it is?

The thing I loved best: how the announcers say Matsuzaka's name like his first name is Matt and his last name is Suzaka.

The thing I loved least: David Ortiz getting hit by the ball running from second to third. Honestly.

And then I watched the two-part season finale of Doctor Who. It had two of my favorite things in stories: 1.) the bad guys are us (and we made the bad guys happen) and 2.) the things that never actually happened, except they did! It also had Martha Jones being awesome - being beyond awesome - and I love her beyond measure. I love her year-long, tough-girl campaign to save the world. I love her laughing at the Master just before the culmination of her year-long quest. I love her saying goodbye because it's best for her. I love her so much.

I also loved the small glimpse we get of life in captivity with the Joneses and Jack, the secret signals and the fact that they've clearly tried his before, failed, and are still trying. I love Jack a whole lot more when he's in Doctor Who - he's sassier, funnier, and a lot less dark, and I hadn't really realized I missed that while I was watching Torchwood. I still love Jack, but I like when he gets to laugh about dying over and over and still convey the complete heartbreak of that instead of just looking pained and brooding and very-nearly-broken the way he does in Torchwood.

I don't know what to say about the Doctor insisting the Master regenerate, crying and holding him in his arms, except that, jesus christ, David Tennant can act. I love the Doctor's whole approach to the Master - he thought he was alone and now he's not, and so he has to take the Master for who he is, and that's all there is to it. I loved the Master, how he was such an over the top bad guy. I loved the drumming, and the way the Master changed every time he was in the same space as the Doctor, like the Master's whole attention is on him, even when they're on the phone (which was indeed hilarious and disturbing at the same time.)

These episodes also had some things that left me frowning and shaking my head, such as the Doctor's Tinkerbell rejuvenation. I mean, ok, it's a nice idea, that humanity can save the Doctor since he's saved them so many times, but it just doesn't work for me. The Doctor floating and surrounded by a glowing blue aura? If he's that powerful, why doesn't he stop the missiles and everything before giving the Master a hug and forgiving him? For that matter, the aged, mini-doctor didn't work for me, either. There are lots of other ways to make him appear powerless other than literally shrinking him.

And Lily. Lily Saxon, faithful companion. Here's the thing, I have heard some of you saying she's been abused and I have heard some of you saying she finally saw the evil in the Master and I know she said "Doctor" along with everyone else, but I really think she did what the Master wanted by killing him. That's why I think she was so cold and so zombie-like - I think she was still under the Master's spell, and probably still loved him in whatever odd way you can love a madman, and that's why she shot him, to save him from being imprisoned by the Doctor.

Two important, supposedly throw-away lines: The Doctor talking about what he did when when he saw the Untempered Schism and says that "those that run just keep running." And then there's the Master, insulting the Doctor's choice of companions, saying, "Time was, your companions could absorb the whole of the time vortex," which is the obviously the obligatory mention of Rose, but the fact that the Master knows about Rose and knows about that creeps me the fuck out.
Another line, though hardly throwaway, is the way Martha screams, "It's all your fault!" when they find out Martha's family is in trouble, and I love it, because rarely do people say that to the Doctor, even when it's true.

Finally, Jack = The Face of Boe? I was screaming at the television, completely wavy hands. Yes. YES! That's how to tell a story!

Finally, part 2: I'm going to watch the game. And hope I'm not damaging anyone's self-esteem.

jersey with your name on it, fantastic!, i'm here to be told

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