On the corner of Main Street, just trying to keep it in line

Jun 27, 2007 14:41

I just finished Eyes from the first season of Babylon 5, and I'm all *wavy hands* about Lennier building Garabaldi's motorcycle. The episode was packed with Ivanova angst, and I can see her story as it was supposed to unfold and it kind of breaks my heart knowing she leaves at the end of season four without having that arc. Still, it was worth any number of heartbreaks to see her beating the shit out of everyone in the casino, and she had never been more linked with Starbuck in my mind than in that moment, taking out her pain and rage on anyone who looks like they might deserve it.

I couldn't figure out why, by the middle of the episode, Sinclair hadn't called on Delenn for advice, but then I realized I was thinking of him as Sheridan, in whose life Delenn plays an entirely different role. It bothers me how Sinclair always manages to save the day by interpreting the rules to suit the situation. I want him to be a little more outright rebellious, or maybe it's just that cunning seems too earnest on him.

It's 95 degrees and I am drinking iced coffee and sitting positioned in a way that two fans and the air conditioner are all blowing on me. I am a wimp when it comes to the heat, meaning that it turns me into a lethargic, grumpy person with a perpetual headache. Thankfully, I live in New England, where it only gets this hot for a small part of the summer. In the meantime, I'm going to press the glass of iced coffee repeatedly to my pulse points and watch the season finale of NCIS, Angel of Death, an episode I keep mistakenly calling La Grenouille as I'm still so impressed with NCIS having this kind of plot arc. I secretly hope that the Director's father turns out to be La Grenouille, because, yes, I would fall for that anytime.

the circle completing itself, second one's for bastard

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