May 13, 2007 00:35
The Last Sentinel: Evil Power Rangers revolt and turn the world to a dusty and extremely yellow western in a classic sci fi premise where humans create the tehcnology that ultimately kicks our ass. Katee Sackhoff fights in the resistance, and still manages to wear make-up - most obviously, pink lipstick. Still, she has dirty fatigues and punk hair which is somehow dipped in blue. I didn't get to see much of Katee Sackoff before it was time for bed, but the parts that I did see with her were lovely, even if her character was mostly just grouchy and judgemental of the main character who I still knew nothing about despite the fact that the writers think they gave him a clever and intriguing history. Note to future movie makers: don't have the talking rifle deliver most of your backstory.
I haven't been watching this season of NCIS with any regularity, but I've seen enough to be vaguely aware of the Director's La Grenouille arc. In this last episode, she's in Paris and meeting informants who flirt and kiss her on the cheek in drive-by pick-ups and flying to Moscow on three hours notice to interrogate a dying man with a Rambaldi artifact who saw her supposedly twelve-years-dead father three weeks ago. I was very impressed.
No time to watch the rest of The Last Sentinel tonight. Instead I'm addressing four loads of laundry that I've placed on the bed so that I am forced to fold it before I can get to sleep. Although don't think I haven't thought of just pushing it over to the side, or, better yet, tossing it on the floor. The better angels of my laundry nature win out, thank god.
second one's for bastard