Today, I want to be the weapon, not the girl

Feb 01, 2006 10:18

What I'm wondering is how many people who regularly take the 502 bus know that, at 9:00 AM, the 502 and the 504 mystically merge, and become just the 504? Because I didn't know that, and, as there were no schedules around in the bus station and I had just watched four 504 busses zoom by, I had to ask the bus driver of the fifth magical all-encompassing 504 who was like, "Well, yeah, 'course I go ta Copley."

What's important to note about that statement is that the 504 most emphatically does not go to Copley and the bus drivers will shout that information at any shivering person waiting endlessly for the 502 to come and hoping the 504, with it's similar number, will provide some respite. Except apparently that's only true before 9:00 AM.

I caught only the last fifteen minutes of Supernatural, and that was just because I was scrolling through the cable listings, trying to find out when the actual speech part of the State of the Union ended. One thing I don't understand about network news coverage is why more than one station covers the SOTU. The only reason I would chose one network over another would be for their spin, and that's only in the post-SOTU. So why have a dozen networks all broadcasting the President simultaneously? Is it just that it wouldn't make sense for any news source not to show the SOTU? Does the WB not carry national news, and so they're not losing anything by airing a new episode of Supernatural?

Ok, blame that last paragraph on the extra-large chai I got to alternately console myself after my traumatic morning commute and celebrate the fact that I still got in on time. Now I'm going to go read hours of SGA stories.

no going to the lighthouse

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