Who will be the woman who takes the fall this time?

Jan 28, 2006 10:45

I will spare you the story of how I got spectacularly lost driving to the airport yesterday, except to say that airport security gets really mad when you drive into the United Airlines refueling area.

This morning, I was reading about Studio 7 on the Sunset Strip, Sorkin's new series, and I think I might actually be excited about it. This thought causes me great distress, because of the black hole in my heart caused by the enormous love that preceded the enormous letdown of the West Wing. And the thing is, I know Sorkin doesn't give a flying rat's ass whether or not I watch Studio 7, or why the West Wing was such a knife in the back, or what my watching this new series would say about my ability to trust a writer who has crushed me once before, but I need to proceed with caution.

This is an interesiting post on fanthropology: Producing television shows exclusively for iTunes. I am fascinated by this possibility, and what it says about how we tell stories and why.

I have been reading an epic amount of SGA fic, and if I can transform my reaction of Wavy Hands of Joy into actual words, I will have recs later today.

better angels of our nature, studio sorkin, in search of a master narrative

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