"It didn't occur to me Charles...it just felt right."

May 06, 2005 11:14

I have a huge list of stories to read, which will eventually result in a huge list of recs for you. I have new music, which will carry me through the weekend on a music high. I have new comics, which means I can continue to indulge in the utter slashiness of Excalibur despite it's plotlessness, and also catch up on everything else that i've fallen two issues behind in. I also have Ocean's 12 from Netlfix.

And phineasjones is coming to visit! I have promised not to spend the entire time talking about hp_dungeons.

In the meantime, coffee, and some research for my BSG ficathon, which really only means re-watching "You Can't Go Home Again."

god loves man kills, i'm here to be told, pairings of doom

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