Derek Fisher IN THE HOUSE

May 13, 2004 22:17

So if you saw the ending to the Spurs/Lakers game it was amazing. I just can't believe it. Anyways I took the to kill a mockingbird test. I had all the answers on a notecard, but he re-wrote the test. I flunked it I think. Tomarrow I'm going to see Pirates of Paeoihfosfnmo. Should be fun. I hope Krystal does amazing! As well as everyone else because I want to be entertained. Tori and I made cookies for the key club bake sale on Wednesday. Only one slight problem...the bake sale got bumped back. My dad is happy though, he ate about 15 tonight. I saw Thompson's ICDC slideshow from nashville. I look like a weird dude in atleast 85% of the pictures i'm in. And believe me i'm in like 85% of the pictures. I think I'm going to be a sports agent when I grow up. So if you're a good athlete I guess I'll sign you. Oh yeah, I got my midterms back and POTAMPA GAVE ME AN A-. AN A-?! How do I get that. Everyone else got like A++++++++. Well except JJ and matt arrant. But still....What the heck.

Shoutout of the Day: John, Sarah and Katie Clapp because I send my condolances for what happened to your house last weekend
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