It comes to my attention that that fine Livejournal institution
Calufrax is again on the point of running short of reccers. I speak as someone who was late getting into the reccing game myself - don't be the fool I was! If you read or post Doctor Who fanfiction on the
A Teaspoon And An Open Mind site, it behooves you to support this valuable comm - a genuine resource for all those who are into that kind of thing. So I urge you again, if you are at all able, to
go over there and sign up. And if you're not able, I ask you to consider putting the word out on your own LJ - you can do punning post titles incorporating the word "rec" in some "amusing" fashion and everything (not "Oedipus Recs", though - I'm bagsying that one for the next time I make a post about reccing!).
Thinking on, at the risk of getting serious, even political, for a second - if you value online internet fandom in particular and the internet as it exists now in general (and who among you doesn't?), and you are also a UK subject, you could do a lot worse than signing the following online petition and spreading the word about it: ACTA is to the rest of the world pretty much what the infamous SOPA/PIPA are to the US, but quite possibly a sight worse. My flister
agapi42 explains it in some detail, and more concisely than I probably would,