Fic: Low Town (Teen, Gen, 25,300 words)

Mar 26, 2016 21:34

Written for the dw_guestfest Minor Characters Ficathon and unfortunately posted a day late. I'm actually amazed I got it finished at all, considering the way it just...kept...growing... ;)

Title: Low Town
Rating: Teen
Word Count: c. 25,300 (in four chapters)
Prompt/Chosen character: "Spandrell - Gallifreyan police procedural."
Notes/Warnings: Some violence, descriptions of crime scenes etc. Doctor Who and its many characters and associated copyrights do not - repeat not - belong to me.
Summary: A murder on Gallifrey is bad enough; the murder of a prominent Time Lord in the heart(s) of Prydon Academy is even worse. Fortunately, Castellan Spandrell is on the case.

On Teaspoon | On AO3

As this thing’s actually too long to post to Teaspoon in one chunk as per their rules, I’ll put it up chapter by chapter there, but the whole fic is now up on AO3.

This entry has also been posted at Please feel free to comment either here or there.

doctor who

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