Escaping the WebPart Seven:
ShoreditchRating: Teen (Gen)
Word count: 38,138 so far
Warnings: Some violence
Summary: The horror infesting the London Underground has been defeated, and now it's time for Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart to pick up the pieces and build for the future. If he can, that is, with the shadowy agents of a certain Institute doing their best to interfere...
Characters: Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Other characters
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its many associated characters and copyrights do not, of course, belong to me!
Back after another lengthy hiatus - I found this chapter quite difficult to write, conscious that I needed to finish the Brig-Gilmore dialogue in this part while making sure not to miss out all of the fanw*nky Who references (and one non-Who reference - let me know if you spot it!) that I wanted to shoehorn in...! Again, I'm trying to give the Counter-Measures audios their due respect while probably riding roughshod over their continuity... ;)
And if you like this, why not read my other, closely-related fic
Focal Point, which covers some of the same ground?
And do you know what? It's been a long while since we had one of those UNIT Dating posts, hasn't it...? I may need to remedy that sometime soon...
This entry has also been posted at
http://jjpor.dreamwidth.org/217086.html. Please feel free to comment either here or there.