Is it just me being a curmudgeon, or is it a bit early to be crowning Jamie Mathieson showrunner-in-waiting just because he wrote two good scripts in a row? Are people that eager to be rid of Moffat? (And before you scoff at my naivety, I do glance at Tumblr from time to time nowadays and know that yes, yes quite a lot of them are
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This made me giggle, because isn't this just exactly how people reacted with Moffat back in the day? I do think that both were very good episodes and would be happy to see Mr. Mathieson come back. Show writer? I don't know about that, but if they're looking, I think they could do worse.
whereas these days I increasingly regard it as some sort of grievously unsung City of Death of NuWho.
That's because it is. I honestly think TU&TW is one of the best NuWho scripts written, but I do have a soft spot for the comedic ones.
I enjoyed your meta here, and agree with most of it. I'm glad you liked Flatline too, because I thought it was excellent. Mummy on the Orient Express was good too, but imo let down by having to resolve the fight from Kill the Moon AND have Clara and Twelve having a cracky-creepy adventure in space. I think it did well with what it was given, but I doubt any writer could work those two plot lines together without the ending being a bit disjointed.
Random thought that's been making me grin since watching though, is that Flatline had a VERY similar plot to Fear Her, and all the way through I kept thinking, "Has this writer come up with a version of Fear Her that JJPOR will be forced to admit he likes?" xD
When, oh when, will TU&TW (great acronym, btw!) get the recognition it deserves? When??
I did like Flatline, and the Mummy one too (even if it has Jossed the fic I never got around to writing about Eleven, Amy and Rory actually responding to that phone call at the end of The Big Bang). I'm just not sure they were that much better than other stories generally acknowledged as good of the past couple of series, really.
"Has this writer come up with a version of Fear Her that JJPOR will be forced to admit he likes?"
Curses! I walked right into their trap too... ;D
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