I think it's pretty much a truism of Doctor Who fandom that everybody's - everybody's - favourite story is some other fan's most hated. And the reverse, of course.
For me,
this bit of news is yet more proof that that truism is, er, true. Once again I am given cause to reflect what a long shadow, for better or worse, the Ten/RTD era still casts over the series, even when we're literally only a couple of months away from moving on to Twelve. Best moment in science fiction, horror and fantasy? Best moment in Doctor Who? Best moment in the post-2005 series, even? Not even close, for me. Not even in my top twenty, if I had to compile one. Could possibly be in my bottom twenty, but I suspect there would be quite a lot of Series 2 moments in there, tbh.
When, oh when, will people stop disagreeing with me on t'internets???!! ;D
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