E. Moore is the only place I ever do this from anymore.

Oct 20, 2005 11:26

Tomorrow I go to Baltimore, MD to visit my super radical wicked awesome cousin Brittany and her boyfriend Jesse, whom I've never met. I'm so excited. I need to get the eff out of Morgantown and have some fun drunken evenings with people I don't know. It should be swell.

Meanwhile, I woke up at 4:30 with the worst cramps EVER. I know, for boys who read this, tmi. You know what? Fuck you. Do you know how painful this is?! Do you KNOW?!?! It's like having someone reach into your pelvic area and start squeezing the shit out of everything in there at once while simultaneously punching you in the gut. And there should be a knife mentioned in there, but I'm unsure where to put it. Bottom line, it hurts like fuck. So I took Midol and didn't end up waking up for my 8:30 class because Midol knocks me on my ass. Now I feel all druggy and boozey and I just finished a bagel-and-M&M breakfast with Tristan in the Mountainlair and now I'm relaxing here until 11:30.

I have a philosophy exam today. Haven't studied for it. Whoops.

On the homework front: tonight I have to do like 2 chapters of chem problems and I have to hardcore go over "Love Song of T. Alfred Prufrock" for Brit Lit tomorrow. At least I LOVE the poem. We're doing TS Eliot for like the next week. Apparently, Eliot wrote "Love Song" while still a graduate student. Damn. After that, and this is super interesting stuff here, I have to do laundry and pack some coordinated outfits, because Brittany is the best dressed woman of the mid-Atlantic region and I'm the physical embodiment of the fashion philosophy I like to call "baglady chic." I'm going to make an effort to be at least a little Stepford wife-ish. Ooh, I also have to burn some kickass road trip songs onto cds and get the garbage out of my car. (This isn't really for anyone else but me so I can look back on it later tonight and remember exactly what I need to get done.)

Alright, I've bored myself. Ttfn.
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