Jul 31, 2005 07:44
I'm heading back down to Richmond today. I have to make sure my apartment is clean so they can show it and hopefully find some masochist who wants to live in that 14x16 room. I'm not really sure how long I'm going to be down there... but I have to come back sometime before classes start on the 25th. If you're down in Richmond and want to hang out before school starts... too bad I'm busy... just kidding... call me or write me or whatever... so yeah...
I have an obnoxious amount of work to do... but if all goes well it will surely be worth it.
Thankfully yesterday when I finished cleaning my room I didn't run across too much that upset me... I got a huge box and started putting all that stuff in a box... now next time I'm feeling just a little too happy and need a good cry I'll know where to go. This time I found a mass amount of things that solidify the fact that I am a loser... and always have been. :) I found a paper completely outlining an imaginary boyfriend I made up in middle school... yeah... it's so sad. It wasn't all pathetic though... I did find some work I did in AP English that wasn't half bad, I think I might keep working on some of it.
I also found two of my favorite poems by Thomas Lux...
That is all I will make you suffer through for today... I truly am sorry...
Have a great day everyone... if you're in Nova... I'll see you when I get back...
and if you live in Richmond... I hope to see you soon.!
I just want to share that the Destiny's Child song "Cater 2 U" makes me want to hurt people...