Apr 21, 2015 21:04
Madrigal highlights (or those that I can share):
- epic kenning duel with Anya!
- hanging out with Naverilites
- walking into town as our new Zuriel and having some fantastic discussions with the various PCs.
- delivering Matt and Stephen into town and the looks they got.
- the aurora shards looked unexpectedly awesome. Also, watching the mechanics on that fight work exactly the way we wanted.
- serious discussions as Isabelle.
- Michelle as Solomon's mother. :) And unexpected but totally fun RP with Maven at dinner.
- nearly jumping the Aurora, because clearly we are destined to never have any normal interactions when she plays that character, regardless of who I play. Also, getting to meet people as Zoe.
- Xephyr and the mod of MAKE GO
- tea party of death. Both of my NPCs exclaimed at how ridiculously clean the PCs were when we got back to monster camp, and finding out later that the PCs were barely holding it together at times was even more awesome.
- late night serious talks
- discussion with elves in the morning, as is custom
Oh, also, practicing our 5G builds during a field fight.