Jan 10, 2004 21:40
About a week ago I had one of the most fucked up dreams ever (not quite as fucked up as the one I wrote about when I started this journal...but up there). I dreamt that I was driving through Fort Lauderdale. We started to go up a really steep hill (mind you we really don't have any hills in South Florida or the rest of Florida for that matter). My mom was driving the car while I was in the passenger seat. We began going into a turn around a cliff that overlooked the ocean. At this point we are still going up a steep incline at about 60 MPH. When we come out of the turn, the two lane road suddenly became a roller coaster track. We began making sudden turns left and right, still going up higher doing barrel rolls and all the while there is no land beneath us. Suddenly I see the car lift off the roller coaster tracks and I yell at my mom that we're going to die. She just brushes it off saying that there is nothing wrong. We started to fall quickly into the water below us, missing a roller coaster track that was beneath us and that is when she realized that we were going to crash.
I woke up from the dream about three seconds before we hit the water!
Last night I'm driving home from Christian's place and as I'm going from the FL-Turnpike onto I-595 I just couldn't keep from shaking as I pictured myself flying off the ramp into another lower ramp or grass or something.
Is this to be expected everytime I get on a highway off ramp?