
Jul 18, 2005 13:30

I went in to get my blood taken for my last test for the dizziness that I am experiencing. While I was there I asked if they had gotten my results from my MRI and/or my heart tests. They had the results of my MRI and it showed that I have some water in my head that isn't supposed to be there, but the doctor said that he doesn't think that it's significant. But he wants me to have a follow up MRI in 3 months just to make sure that it isn't anything significant. They didn't have the results from my heart tests, but I am supposed to call them on Friday if I don't hear from them by then. I should also find out the results of my blood test by Friday. So hopefully by the end of the week I will have some answers.
When I talked to Jon today I told him the results of the MRI and he got so worried. I wanted to cry because I didn't want to tell him. I knew it was nothing, but he isn't here to see me or be with me when I go to the doctor and hear what he has to say. I told him exactly what the nurse had told me and she told me what the doctor told her. Jon said he just didn't want to lose me. I just told him that if the only thing that was wrong with me was that I had some water in my head, then we could deal with that. That is great compared to what they could have found. And even if the water turns out to be more significant then they thought it was, they find out what is causing me to have water in my head, drain the fluid that is in there and then fix the leak. I know it sounds simpler than it really is, but I am trying not to worry about it because that is the last thing that Jon needs. He doesn't need to have me worried about it because then he will worry even more than he already is.
We'll just see how things go this week with the rest of the results and go from there. Take it all one day at a time. If something is serious, I have lots of family and friends around that can help take care of Liam so that I can take care of myself. I am trying not to worry about the whole thing because there are plenty of possibilities that it could be and then it could also be none of them. Who knows...
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