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May 12, 2014 16:26

OK I got nowhere else to talk about this, since people don't like posting possible spoilers on fb, since there's no cut tag.

This trial of Tyrion Lanninster has me wondering what will happen next. The last episode ended with him "confessing" and then demanding trial by combat. I figure a few possible outcomes:

1) He's denied trial by combat. After all the regular trial is already underway, isn't it too late? The Lannisters don't seem like they'd cooperate in any way with changes that could cast the outcome of the trial into doubt.
2) He's granted trial by combat, but has to fight for himself, since he has fought at the battle of Blackwater, he can't excuse himself and ask for a champion since he's demonstrated he is able to fight. Then he tries to get out of it, but can't back out (and even if he could, he'd still be thoroughly fucked in the rigged trial.)
3) He has to fight his brother Jamie.
4) Tyrion does get to pick a champion, tries to pick Jamie, but can't because he gets chosen to fight for the crown by Tywin or Sersei, so Tyrion picks Bron the sellsword. Jamie and Bron fight, since they've been foreshadowing it with Bron secretly training Jamie. Bron knows Jamie's weaknesses, and is a dirty fighter, so has the upper hand, seemingly, but maybe Jamie's been holding himself back knowing that he shouldn't reveal his full strength to a potential adversary, and surprises him, proving that being a Lannister, he knows all about dirty tricks.
5) (Unlikely) some heavy shit happens that interrupts everything before the audience gets properly satisfied. Knowing GRRM, maybe audience disappointment isn't so unlikely.

It's really cool to me that there are so many ways next episode could go down, all of them really cool, and I have no idea which one it will be, having not read the books.

It sucks that I have to wait all the way until Sunday to find out.
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