Jan 16, 2011 04:10
Awwww man. Who would have ever thought that I would update my frickin LIVEJOURNAL again? I totally forget that this thing even exists most of the time. I wonder if any of my old friends on here still do updates. I remember in high school when LiveJournal was the BIG thing to have, kinda like how Facebook is now. I even remember that so many people were going on here and updating their stuff during school hours that the administration eventually banned it from the computers. Or certain ones, anyway. Crazy how time changes.
So I was watching The Social Network (a movie about Facebook, for anyone living under a rock these days), and it showed Mark Zuckerberg updating his LiveJournal, so it got me curious. I logged back on here and read pretty much all of my old entries, and I must say that I was pretty interesting back in my high school days. I could see the steady progression of my vocabulary and sense of general direction from the beginning until my very last entry. My early ones were especially interesting to read since it was like reading a journal of a very young guy who had never really tried to put his thoughts onto a webpage. I eventually got better, but I was pretty scatterbrained throughout my entire time updating my LiveJournal. Thoughts about girls, music, movies and pretty much anything that was going on in my life were the focal points of my entries, and alot of them brought back some pretty old memories, of course. Especially the ones about love.
Despite what I might have said or thought in the past when I was on here, I didn't know what true love really was or meant. I claimed to "love" girls that I probably thought were cute or whatever, and I never really understood why I never had a girlfriend. I just wasn't sure of who I was at the time, and I wasn't fully comfortable about anything about myself, especially in regards to my appearence and lack of self-esteem. But of course, over 6 and a half years have passed since my very first entry, and I am at a crossroads in my life. I have loved and been in a very serious relationship, and it did not end well at all for me. It broke me down to my very core, and I'm still recovering from it. But I know that I'm better than I was at the beginning of the process, and I'm a better person overall for going through the experience, during and afterwards. The reason I bring this up is because of my total lack of knowledge when it came to love and relationships back then. I now understand what love is and what it can do for you, and to you. I'm thankful for the experience, because now I am a stronger person, and I look at the world totally different because of it.
I am finally moving out of the house that I have lived in for the last 15 years of my life, and I know it's for the better. Nothing is happening for me up here in Marquette, and I know moving to Milwaukee to live with my brother will change my life in more ways than one, and I will be providing myself with whole new experiences that I'll be able to look back on and fondly remember. I will miss Marquette, and I will miss the memories that I have created over the last few years as the adult that I am, but I need this right now. I need to go somewhere where I'm not completely comfortable; somewhere where I don't know exactly what's going to happen or know exactly who's going to be there. I need a whole new set of places, people and things that I can become familiar with and eventually call "home". It's time for me to step out of this protective shell that I've been living inside for pretty much my whole life and experience the world that I couldn't, and didn't want to, experience before. In less than 8 hours, I will take that first step by leaving the town that I have come to know and love, and all the people in it. I just hope that I have left an impression on everybody that I've come across through the years I've spent here, good or bad. But mostly good, hopefully.
So this is me, J-Will. JJ. J-Dub. Willbops. John. Johnny. John Williams. Johnny Williams. Whatever I have been called, known as or been nicknamed. This is me signing off and becoming a whole new person, but still the same person that everyone knows and hopefully loves. Maybe I'll keep the world updated on the going-on's in my life. Maybe I won't. But know that I made this move with my head up high and a spring in my step. Simply because life is too short to waste on being just "that person". Be everything and everyone. Who's to say you can't?
Mr. I-hope-at-least-one-person-reads-this (but I'm not counting on it, haha),