Jan 25, 2006 14:49
I thought that I wasn't going to go any farther than I did. I thought I would just say what I needed to say and not do anything else. But this little chump wants to keep this up, and I guess he needs to be taught a lesson. He doesn't seem to realize who he's messing with, because he claims he doesn't like to fight. But, here we ago again...
His comments on MySpace:
Dubs just let me say this. I told Jesie this too, I said what I said about your girl for two reasons: A) to see what you would do. and B) out of revenge because you and Jesie were making fun of Ashly. Jesie asked me why I did it to see what you would say considering you lover her so much and I told I really didnt know you loved her that much since you really didnt talk to me much about her. Now I know that wont change anything but I had to get it out and that is NO LIE, those are the reasons I said what I said. Jesie also told me that you didnt want her to tell Julie that I was sorry for my actions but please let her. I am very sorry for what I said and it was a very stupid move and I just want her to know that at least I am sorry for saying all of that stuff.
His comment on GreatestJournal regarding one of my entries:
dude seriously...its over, just get over it an move on. People make mistakes and that was one I made. Just talk to me dammit im sick of this, and yeah I never want to talk to Jesie again because she gets me pissed off like no one has ever seen me be. Just talk to me again because this whole thing is just stupid. I apologized because of my mistake and thats all I can do. Julie is your girl plain and simple and no no one is better than her. Just drop it homie.
His comment on one of my LiveJournal entries:
I cant say this enough, I know you love Julie and I agree Julie is a great girl and a perfect match for you. What I said the other night and those other times about her, you had pissed me off and when I get pissed off I cant calm down. You know I get over angry and when I get over angry I say stuff I dont mean. Take for example when I made that entry/comment about not giving maria rides to school anymore. I was really pissed off at her and I hurt her and I knew some of the stuff that I said I really didnt mean. Thats the same case with Julie. I got pused out of my comfort zone and was unable to control what I said. Bro you ARE like a brother to me and you better read this entire comment because I mean every bit of it. I AM sorry for what I did and I would like it if you would just talk to be about it...we can work this out. Not talking to me dosnt solve anything. Please bro. Im sittin here all alone with no one to talk to and it hurts, your still my best friend in my mind bro and I know I hurt you and I know I hurt Julie but the best way to deal with it is to talk about it 1 on 1. Im sorry for what I have done and what I have put you through.
Now, he says that I said my girlfriend is the best girl ever and the best there ever will be. I don't disagree with that, I did say that. But he claims that he told me that he "disagreed" and told me to stop being cocky. But from what I can tell, his comment on my GreatestJournal says that "Julie is your girl and no one is better than her." Now see, I'm confused, because he claims that he told me to stop being cocky. If he told me to stop being cocky, then why did he agree with me on his comment from GreatestJournal? It's wrong for me to say that, but then he basically says the same thing later? I don't understand where this kid is coming from, because he constantly says one thing and then later on changes his words. Either he lies on a daily basis, or his memory is basically shit. If he really thought I was wrong for saying what I said, then he wouldn't be apologizing to me. If someone said something that I disagreed with, I'm not going to go back and apologize for disagreeing with them. This kid is so ridiculously dumb, it's sad.
Dude, get your story straight and stick to it before you decide to start running your mouth. You wanna keep going, I'm all for it. Just try me.