To start with, this
Daily Show confirms what I already suspected: No one understands the financial crisis. It is ultimately inscrutable, resulting as it does from essentially chaotic systems colliding with each other. If you claim to understand it, you aspire to an suprahuman level of comprehension and I, for one, believe you are full of shit
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You can start by educating yourself from this site (No known relations or connection) then check out their side bar links. It took me from March '08 (bear stern collapse) until September '08 to wade through this shit before the light finally came on in all it's blazing glory. Ponzi! top to bottom, everything else is bullshit, especially the sub-prime loan peeps, they only got loans because it was the last place for these evil nazi lizards to finally troll, then nothing else was left except to wait for the whole thing to start to implode. see
P.S. I hate writing comments here because your prose is so much better than mine.
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