Jan 28, 2009 16:54
Continuing our weekly tour of Seattle's parks, Meg and I went to Volunteer Park yesterday.
We had heard good things about the park. It was reputed to host, among other things, a plant conservatory, the Seattle Asian Art Museum, an old water tower, a reservoir, and Bruce Lee's grave. It was a sure winner.
Alas, our pleasure in its grounds was blunted by a frigid wind and several other circumstances. First of all, the museum was closed. What's closed on a Tuesday afternoon? The Seattle Asian Art Museum, apparently.
Second, we were unable to enter the graveyard from the park, and the wind discouraged from spending more time looking for the entrance. So the elaborate kung fu battle I'd planned to have with Bruce Lee's ghost did not come to pass. You've won this round, Lee!
The conservatory, however, was a winner. After strolling a while with the heat slowly dissipating from our bodies, we stepped into a little tropical paradise - free of charge! Free stuff rules. As you passed from one room of the conservatory to the next the climate and plants would change, moving from tropical to subtropical to desert. I liked the desert environment the most - some huge prickly pears towering over you, and lots of needled oddities.