Book a Week: Weeks 1-4, Book 1

Jan 27, 2022 21:02

Time to talk about the book I spent the last few weeks of December reading: Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood. I usually enjoy her books, but most of them take so long for me to finish. I want to know what's going on, but things are usually not straight. It takes a long time to figure out the story. This is no different. I spent weeks reading, usually two chapters a day. There are 15 sections with each having several chapters. I might have liked it more if it were shorter. I was intrigued by the idea that this was taken from the headlines of the 1840s. Like the other things I've read recently, this is now a series. I'm curious how it will compare.

Gone mad is what they say, and sometimes Run mad, as if mad is a direction, like west; as if mad is a different house you could step into, or a separate country entirely. But when you go mad you don't go any other place, you stay where you are. And somebody else comes in.

His father was self-made, but his mother was constructed by others, and such edifices are notoriously fragile.

quotes, books

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