Halloween Movie Madness: Day 8

Oct 08, 2021 20:43

We strode into the weekend with Killer Sofa on the docket. I thought this might be a fun black comedy. It was more like a B-movie than an actually funny one, but we also have the curse of the “written and directed by,” in this case, Bernie Rao. He's done a fare number of short films. I don't knock that. I have loved some great short films. But this one had some stilted performances. It stars Piimio Mei and Nathalie Morris with a cast of cops, friends, lovers, and parents. A young woman buys a recliner, but she doesn't know it's possessed. The cops bet involved when one of her old lovers ends up in pieces. We learn what's happened and who is involved, along with some gross horror. It's mentioned in the same breathe as Rubber and Velocipastor, and I wonder if giving them better production values would make for a better movie. Maybe the part of being a weird movie is that it's low budget.

halloween, movies, gothy bits, october

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