Fanfic: Somewhere I Belong - Prologue

Sep 07, 2005 01:41

Title: "Somewhere I Belong - Prologue"
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), not too descriptive rape and probably some OOC...
To the 2, 3 people who are reading this fic and want more... work keeps me quite busy. I almost never know if I've time to write or when I've time to write. Please be patient. I've almost everything planned out. I just need time to write it.
Notes: I've been inspired by what Hisoka thought in Vol. 3: 'No one... saved me... But maybe Tsuzuki... If you had been there... you would save me...'.
Warning over notes: This fic is filled with notes. You will find them at the bottom. Each time you see a number between brackets it means there's a note connected to the word/sentence that preceded it. Many of them explain references to other series, to YnM manga only or YnM anime only facts for who didn't get to read the manga or see the anime, explain apparently illogical things or warn you there's an explanation for illogical facts but that you'll get it later. However I suggest you to read the notes _AFTER_ you finished the fic unless the word/sentence connected to the note is really troublesome for you to understand. Anyway the fic should be still understandable without the notes. Notes are merely extra explanations for who wants to know more or search for spoilers.
"Yami no Matsuei" belong to Matsushita Yoko. I'm merely using her characters because I love them... especially Touda, Tsuzuki and Hisoka...
Ehy, do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok?
Thanks: To Larania Drake for betaing this! Thank you a lot!
Summary: 1993. Kamakura. A certain silver haired psycho was feeding himself with a poor woman's energy when the Kurosaki's heir spotted him. He had a plan for the boy but someone else was there and decided to interfere...

Kamakura, Sakura Tree - 1993

He didn't mean to get in trouble. He didn't mean for this to happen. He only... wanted to enjoy some fresh air... wanted to escape to the pounding pain of the other people's feeling... to all that 'hate/loathing/fear/disgust/anger/pain/shame'...

He had started walking, allowing his feet to drag him away, away from everything. He didn't mean to end near the Sakura tree. He didn't mean to witness that woman's murder. He didn't mean to let himself be caught by the killer. He was simply so scared. He tried to escape but his legs just weren't working and he kept tripping and... and _THE MAN_ jumped on him... and _HE_ was so heavy he couldn't stop him from dragging him to the ground... he couldn't stop _HIM_ from stripping him from his Yukata(1)... he screamed, he screamed for help, he screamed for mercy, he screamed for the pain but nothing would work, nothing could work and it was pinned, and he was restrained and no one would come to help and _THE MAN_ with weird eyes and white hair(2)... _HE_... _HE_ was... to him... _HE_...

Then there were more tears and more screams and more pain and more shame and _HE_ never seemed to stop torturing him, never wanted to stop, took pleasure in his pain, forced him to feel those emotions of _HIS_, and it disgusted him and scared him and hurt him as he was swallowed in their darkness unable to divide his own feeling by the ones of _THE MAN_ and then _HE_ was out of him and the pain seemed to fade a little but _HE HADN'T_ finished, _HE_ never wanted to finish this and _HE_ did that 'thing' to his body, that 'thing'(3) with _HIS_ mouth and _HIS_ hand that made him wish to vomit and yet forced him to feel a pleasure that was his own even through all his pain and he sobbed more and he cried more but he just... was spent, wasn't there anymore... his soul and his strength gone to curl up somewhere deep in the back of his mind leaving him there, bared, exposed, shamed, dirtied, defenceless and humiliated... and it wasn't the end it was never the end as _HE_ picked up his knife and smirked down at him in anticipation as _HE_ licked it and...

"It could be fine to kill you here but such an inelegant manner of death wouldn't suit one as lovely as yourself no? Those dear to me are those who I wish to cruelly crush underfoot. I won't kill you in one breath. A long, drawn-out death... You will always feel me within your body..."(4)

... and he found the strength to scream again as the knife cut his skin and _HE_ smirked more and started spreading his blood on his skin, drawing, writing with it(5) and _HE_ was murmuring weird things he could not understand but it hurt, oh Kami-sama it hurt and... and he screamed as the contact was broken and _THE MAN_ was pushed away from him and he heard weird sounds and voices and screaming and hanger and intense warmness but it was all like it was so distant, dull and he wasn't there and he couldn't be there and this all couldn't have been happened to him and it was all a nightmare, it had to be a nightmare but if it was a nightmare why the tears didn't stop, why the pain didn't stop? Then all of sudden someone was close to him and he wanted to curl up and he wanted to cry and he wanted to scream and he wanted to struggle and he wanted to become so small he couldn't be seen and yet he could do nothing of that and... and concern and kindness and worry floured through him like a balsam, like a warm cover and he looked up and the ice blue weird eyes were gone, replaced by gentle amethyst eyes ('Amethyst?') and their owner(6) closed his torn Yukata and removed his coat and wrapped him in it also and he picked him up oh so carefully and so wary of his injuries that he caused more tears to fall but this time they were completely different tears and he was grateful for them, he was grateful for the kindness he was receiving for the first time in the thirteen years of his life and he was grateful for the help and he somehow recovered a tiny bit of his strength and he clutched to him, to his white shirt, never planning to let go, allowing the soft words of reassurance the man was speaking to him to comfort him, allowing him to do everything, _EVERYTHING_, even shame him again, as long as he didn't leave him alone, as long as he kept comforting him, as long as he kept bathing him in his kindness and he didn't realized as exhaustion and stress and pain took him over and he started to fade into unconsciousness and he didn't realize the man who saved him talked to another(7) and he didn't realize their were carrying him back home(8), he didn't realize a thing except finally it seemed he found a place he belonged.

To be continued...

JJ's Notes:

1. I do think what was wearing that night Hisoka was a Yukata. It looks like one. If someone can prove me wrong please let me know.

2. It's said Muraki, in the manga, has silver eyes and silver hair (however so far Matsushita-san, in all the Muraki coloured pics, showed us only his good eye, leaving the other hidden behind Muraki's hair). In the anime I had the impression his artificial eye was a clear blue and so in this fic Muraki has mismatched eyes and that's why Hisoka considered his eyes weird. As for him calling his hair white... in the dim light he couldn't see its colour clearly.

3. In Hisoka's nightmare/flashback in Vol. 3 Muraki, after raping him, gave him a blowjob. I'm assuming what happened in Hisoka's dream is exactly what Muraki did to him.

4. This is, more or less, what Muraki said in Vol. 1 about how he killed Hisoka.

5. I know there's who says Muraki carved his curse in Hisoka's skin and there's who says he just wrote it on him... as for me he wrote it on him with blood. And no, in this fic he didn't manage to finish the work.

6. You aren't going to tell me you hadn't guessed to whom the amethyst eyes belonged right?

7. Anyone wanna try to guess to whom Tsuzuki was talking to?

8. They aren't purposely taking Hisoka back home. Hisoka's home is merely the closest house to the place.

JJ's Extra Notes:
I know, it's a bit confusing but I wanted it to be done from Hisoka's point of view as much as it was possible and I guess his emotions were a tangled mess in that moment... As much as I think Hisoka perceived Muraki's emotions I think the feeling of his own feelings was powerful as well... That's why the poor boy isn't enjoying this much. I also don't think Hisoka knew a great deal about what Muraki was doing to him... I can't picture him getting lessons about what sex is while he was at the Kurosaki's house... or getting books about it... At best he had a basic knowledge and empathic 'experiences'... but that's just my personal opinion...

-sama: "Lord" or "Lady"
Kami: God
Sakura: Cherry Tree
Yukata: Summer Informal Kimono

Don't grumble silently, please let me know what you're thinking of this!
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This is also available at

fanfic: ynm (long), fic: somewhere i belong, fanfic: ynm

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