Fanfic: Beatrice’s second White Day

Apr 27, 2016 22:58

Title: "Beatrice’s second White Day"
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's unbetaed, and it’s based on the Tsubasa tip ‘Beatrice’s White Day’, it contain some Japanese words, some OOC...
Notes: I blame Tessa for this. It’s all her fault. So I’ll dedicate it to her.
"Umineko no naku koro ni" belong to Ryukishi07. I'm merely using his characters because I love them... especially Battler and Sayo...
Do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok?
Summary: An April post 1986. Somewhere in the Meta Beatrice tries her second attempt at getting a nice White Day.

She hadn’t been able to help herself, she had ended up counting on her fingers the days that were missing from… ‘White Day’ before going to bed again. This time though… she had done everything PROPERLY for real and Battler had accepted her chocolate and he had eaten it and he had said she would be rewarded for her efforts if she were to give him chocolate so… so… so he’ll surely get her something, won’t he?

And it would surely be something awesome since she tried so hard, wouldn’t it?

Oshishō-sama and Ronove had tried to keep her expectative low. After all it wasn’t like she had done the chocolate COMPLETELY on her own… she had forced Battler to help… a little bit… well, maybe a big bit but still.. and that had been all after that disastrous Valentine’s Day and that mess the month after so Battler might be not so prone to buy her something expensive but… but… since those days had been erased with magic and he wasn’t mad with her any longer… they shouldn’t count, should they?

Oshishō-sama and Ronove were merely teasing her, Battler would surely reward her efforts in full, wouldn’t he? Wouldn’t he?

After all he had rewarded Lucifer’s efforts, which in truth hadn’t been Lucifer’s at all so he should reward hers as well!

He wouldn’t think little of all her hard work, would he?

He… he wouldn’t forget, would he?

Nervousness and fear slowly started to slide inside her, grasping her stomach almost painfully so that by the time the 12th of April came around she felt almost sick. Battler, the rude jerk he was, joked about it, asking her if she had caught up Ange’s same virus and she would have tossed against him something, hadn’t she too afraid she would end up messing up, angering him and causing him to get nothing for her.

She had to behave, she told herself, she had to behave.

So she just ignored him and spent the day sulking in her own room, trashing most of it in the process.

Then the 13th of April came and she couldn’t help but trying to stalk him again… hoping to get a quick peek to what he would buy her… only to discover that all that Battler went to buy that day were some candies at the nearby drugstore and… nothing more.

Disappointment filled her and she found herself throwing a temper tantrum in front of Oshishō-sama and Ronove. All her hard work… all her hard work would be rewarded with… some candies bought on a drugstore? It was cruel from Battler, cruel, cruel, CRUEL…

“Beatrice. Didn’t we said the past time that you shouldn’t use White Day as an excuse to get something?” Oshishō-sama scolded her.

“It’s inelegant, Ojō-sama,” Ronove added. Beatrice pouted.

“But this time I worked so hard! And I did everything properly! And Battler said… he said…”

She saw them shaking their heads and exchanging smiles.

“Let this be a lesson to you, Beatrice. Instead than demand for more you should just be grateful that Battler-kun accepted to forgive you, shouldn’t you?” Oshishō-sama said then and it was true, she should but… but it still seemed so unfair!

But well, maybe candies were better than nothing and maybe she could use her magic to turn them into something awesome and the important part was that Battler would give her something so… so…

So she spent the night tossing and turning in her bed anxiously, waiting for her gift to come. Even if it was only candies… if Battler were to give them to her she… she…

Beatrice was pretty tired when morning came, having slept nothing at all, but she was so excited she didn’t mind. She debated on what she should do, on which would be the best course for that day and decided she would let Battler the honour of the first move, spending all the time before meeting him giddy in excitement, wondering how he would approach her, how he would hand her his gift for her, how… how he would completely ignore her beyond an ‘hi Beato’ before leaving for whatever business he planned to do that day.

She… she remained frozen on the spot, speechless. It was a joke, wasn’t it?

It was April, the 14th and he should give her his gift, shouldn’t he? Shouldn’t he?

She forgot composure and ran after him.

“Battler! Is that all?” she demanded to know. He looked at her quizzically.

“Uh? What do you mean? Is there something else I should say to you?” he asked back. She felt the world shake around her. He… he couldn’t have forgotten, could he? That or… or… was it possible he decided she didn’t deserve anything? No, no, it couldn’t be, he was just making fun of her, teasing her in hope she would throw a temper tantrum or beg for his gift so that he… he…

She forced a laugh as she replied the first thing that came to her mind.

“Of course you should greet me saying ‘Beatrice-sama, you look like a blossom of rose, I’m not worthy to bask in the sight of you,’ you dumbass, and be all submissive and… and…”

He scowled at her.

“In your dreams, maybe,” he scoffed through his gaze turned attentive as he stared at her. “Though more than a rose you look like shit. Are you sure you’re feeling well?” he asked and stretched his arm to rest one of his palms on her forehead as if to check her temperature. “Hum… you don’t seem warmth…”

She flushed under his touch, feeling shy all of sudden.

‘He’s teasing me… he’s just making fun of me pretending he doesn’t remember… he wants me to ask for it, that’s it… he couldn’t have forgotten… it’s just… he… he…’

She turned her head away abruptly.

“Sure, but if you’ve nothing else to say to me I won’t remain here,” she stated before running away. She… she won’t let herself be caught up in his game. Not again. He… he would have to come to her this time, he would have to come to her and give her his present. Properly. And even if they were just candies… she would welcome them because… because… because he’ll come to her and give them to her, won’t he? Won’t he?

He won’t.

Battler didn’t come.

Beatrice saw time tickling by as midnight approached and with it the end of her own ‘White Day’.

She paced in her room nervously, mentally begging for him to come. At this point… she didn’t even care if he came to her empty handed. As long as he were to come… it would be fine for her. He’ll come, won’t he? He’ll come for sure… he… he… but the clock ticked midnight and she could only let herself crumble on her bed, sobbing desperately until she cried herself to sleep.

When morning come… she didn’t feel like getting up. She felt horrible, stupid and depressed and no matter how much she hated herself for having been naïve all over again and having believed in Battler’s promise another time, she couldn’t simply muster the strength to raise herself.

Battler would never keep the promises he were to make to her. Lo Lucifer maybe but she… she didn’t amount to enough to be worth of it in his eyes. Just thinking at it made her wish to resume crying but she didn’t have more tears to shed.

As she heard a knocking sound at her door she only buried her face in her pillow and wished for that bothersome person to leave. She groaned and curled on herself when the sound of the door opening, regardless of her wishes, echoed in her room.

“Hey, you all right? I was right then, you were sick,” she heard Battler’s voice saying. She… she didn’t want him to see her while she was at her worst but she didn’t even had the strength to oppose.

“Leave…” she commanded. Well, more like she mumbled, her voice muffled by her pillow.

“Now, now, don’t be like that. If you don’t tell me what’s wrong I can’t help. It’s your stomach that hurt? Your head?” he insisted, as if completely unaware of the situation. For Beatrice it was the last drop.

“It’s you, you dumbass!” she yelled tossing her pillow at him and hitting him right in his face. “It’s you! You’re always a jerk to me and you never keep your promises and now you’re here to gloat over my misery and… and… and…” she didn’t mean to start crying like a child in front of him but she did, desperately rubbing her eyes in an attempt to stop those traitorous tears. “You’re mean! You’re mean! You’re mean!” she protested childishly, unable to word it better in the worn out and desperate state she was.

Battler, who had looked at her in disbelief at her outburst, now just sighed and sat on the bed next to her.

“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Care to explain what I did wrong?” he asked. “I’ll apologize if it’s my fault,” he also offered. An apology really seemed little thing in face of her suffering but… but… in that moment she would take everything that would lighten her pain a bit.

“White Day! You promised! I did everything properly! Yet you… you… yesterday you…” she managed to say between sobs.

“Yesterday? You expected me to give you something… yesterday?” he asked in disbelief.

“You said a month after! You said it in blue! It was a month after ‘Valentine’s Day’! And yet you… you…” She hit him with her fists weakly. It gave her no satisfaction whatsoever. He only sighed as he trapped her wrists his hands gently, stopping her.

“I?” he prodded.

“You forgot…” she finished in a small voice. “You forgot…”

“Is that all you were making a fuss about? Really, sometimes I can’t believe how dumb you can be,” he observed. “You really have the brain of a squirrel,” he added with a small chuckle.

“Well, sorry I’m so dumb I believed you! I won’t do it ever again! I… I…” Sobs silenced her and she struggled in a pathetic attempt to free herself. He let her go. It didn’t help her to feel any better as she only felt she was about to crumble into pieces and she hugged herself in a pathetic attempt to keep herself together. Battler sighed again.

“Beato… I’ve not forgotten. I said I would give you a present a month after I got your chocolate, didn’t I?”

“But you didn’t!” she protested. “You gave me nothing yesterday so… so…”

“Beato… when exactly you gave me chocolate?” Battler asked her patiently.

“On Valentine’s Day! Only it wasn’t Valentine’s Day because Oshishō-sama used her retroactive magic but… but… but it was March the 14th so… so… yesterday…” She sniffle pathetically, head low and eyes squeezed shut in a failed effort to held back tears.

“Wrong,” he corrected her as he tapped her forehead with something. “We made chocolate on the 14th but when exactly you gave it to me? Don’t YOU remember?”

To Beatrice the world seemed to come to a screeching halt as, all of sudden, she realized she had forgotten a detail.

It was true. Battler was right. She made the chocolate on the 14th but… but she gave it to him the day after so… so… a month later wasn’t… her ‘White Day’ wasn’t… yesterday but… today?

She raised her head, her eyes wide. Battler smiled and lowered the object he was pressing against her forehead. It was… it was a lovely wrapped box.

“Ta-dah! Thank you for the chocolate!” Battler announced with a grin. “See? I kept my promise!” he added with a stupidly proud expression.

“You… you’ll give me the candies you bought?” she asked in surprise. He had remembered. He had remembered. It was simply too good to be true.

“Which candies?” he asked in confusion.

“The ones… the ones I saw you buying yesterday… well, no, it was the day before yesterday but… but…” She covered her mouth in embarrassment. She hadn’t meant to reveal she had stalked him again. Oshishō-sama had told her it was bad behaviour but…

Battler blinked.

“You wanted the cough drops I got for Virgilia?”


“You got them for… Oshishō-sama?” And Oshishō-sama had known? And she had said nothing to Beatrice when she had complained about how Battler bought only candies? And… and… wait, they weren’t a returning gift, were they?

“Yup. She said she couldn’t get out so she asked me to buy it for her. Do you really like cough drops so much you wanted it?” he questioned her in disbelief and she hurried to shook her head.

“No, no… I though… I though…” She eyed the box Battler was still offering to her and found herself stretching her hands timidly toward it, suddenly afraid to take it. “Hum… I…”

He showed it in her hands, looking amused.

“Who would have though, you can also have a cute side!” he commented and she flushed.

“Oh, hush! It’s not like you give presents to me all the days!” she protested, flushing as her fingers tinkered with the ribbon. She wanted to open it and yet… she was hesitant in doing so, as if opening it would ruin the magic of that moment, the magic that present contained.

“It’s sexy lingerie. Show it to me when you’ll wear it. I think I should have picked up the right size but one can never be too sure about it,” he commented, seeing her hesitation, snickering. She flushed even more as she raised her fist to hit him.


“Kidding, kidding, it’s not lingerie!” he assured raising his hands as if to protect himself.

“You’re a jerk,” she stated, puffing her cheeks as she grasped the box tightly in her hands. “It has better being expensive with all the work I’ve done and…” she gasped and covered her mouth. She knew she wasn’t supposed to say it.

“The work YOU have done?” he asked in a teasing tone. “What about all the work YOU forced ME to do?”

“Well… well…” she stammered. He smiled.

“Well, since it seems you won’t open it while I’m here I’ll leave,” he announced standing and she found herself frowning. She didn’t want him to but… “Thanks for the chocolate though.” He bend down so as to speak directly in her ear. “It was way better than Lucifer’s…” he admitted, his cheeks red before hurrying to leave. She blushed even more than, once alone, she found herself grinning like a schoolgirl.

“YAY! He got me a present! He got me a present! He hadn’t forgotten!” she exclaimed hugging the package to herself. It really was a magic present she could feel its magic warmly pulse against her heart. It was such a nice, soothing magic... Yes, it brimmed with magic and only a witch like her could feel it. She giggled as she wondered if Battler had realized she’d gave her a magic present… then, while still smiling, as she hugged her present she found her eyes drifting shut and she slowly fell asleep, the tiredness of the two night of poor sleep finally catching up on her and lulling her in a gentle sleep.

JJ's Extra Notes:
That’s what happen when I re-read ‘Beatrice’s White Day’ and continue finding it terribly cute! Though it’s also due how I realize that it was easy to think that Beatrice’s second White Day would also fall on the 14th… but since she made chocolate on the 14th of March and planned to give it to Battler the day after… her White Day would fall on the 15th…
In case people hadn’t realized Battler was completely clueless about Beato’s torment… Virgilia instead thought about making it a lesson and deliberately sent him buying candies… (Virgilia, you’re mean…) but well, all’s well what ends well.

-kun: Young
-sama: "Lord" or "Lady"
Oshishō: "Teacher" or "Master"
Ojō: "Young Lady"

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fanfic: umineko

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