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Okay, thanks to the awesome
sumeragimikoto we managed to piece together a script for the Tokyo Babylon 1999 movie. Sadly though the script is missing some tiny bits here and there. So it would be awesome if someone else were to come to our help and help us to fill the missing sentences so as to have a complete script.
Therefore, if you can, please
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It's a thing that puzzled many people, me included. My personal answer is that there should be a reason for Hokuto to think that Seishiro would use that way and only that way to kill Subaru.
Likely it's something related to Japanese mentality or traditions or something I can't figure.
So for a Japanese viewer it's extremely easy to understand why Hokuto would do that as Seishiro technically shouldn't consider other options (no idea why but let's assume they would be ultimately extremely dishonourable or that there would be consequences with the Sakanagi or the spirit world or whatever) while us, western fans, are completely clueless about why Seishiro couldn't just buy a gun and shot Subaru.
Sadly so far although I've searched for an explanation I hadn't found none.
I've wrote some speculations here but I'm sorry but I've to admit I can't give you a definitive answer.
I don't really know why Hokuto is so sure Seishiro will have to kill Subaru that way but I want to hope there's a logic in her actions.
But you are right when you say this may only make sense to the Japanese community...but I DO wish CLAMP elaborated more on that. Also, my speculation was that because Hokuto had some omnyoudo powers she could somehow foresee Subaru's death at the hands of the Sakurazukamori (the rainbow bridge incident) but had seen the dream as Seishirou literally killing Subaru using that technique, as oppose to killing him with his death. Her spell was supposed to change that, but instead of preventing it from happening, the 'mirror image' of the event happened resulting in Subaru's death anyways...Just my two cents. Whether it's a Japanese ritual or some all seems so, so depressing...I need to curl up in a corner and cry now.
Aisya N.
In the drama cd also he let Sayuri live.
I think the Sakurazukamori kills who saw him at work not as a matter of honour but more as a matter of security.
Being seen while killing people might cause him danger/problems.
However if someone is judged harmful, a potential heir, a helper or whatever I guess the Sakurazukamori can let him live.
About Hokuto foreseeing all this... no idea honestly. Subaru, who's pretty strong, could foresee in dreams only facts that would happen in a short time (him meeting Mitsuki, Hokuto's death...) so I don't know if Hokuto could see so far in the future and it doesn't look like Kakyou had helped her in this.
Unless CLAMP will develop (or someone in a convention will do the right questions) we'll never know I guess.
Sorry, I feel a bit useless as I don't really know the answers...
BTW in your tumblr I notice youve been getting into Tokyo Ghoul ^_^ my current anime obsession too!! XD I swear I wish I could meet you in real life, I feel like we'd instantly click!
Aisya N
Thank you for valuing my opinion, it means a lot to me!
Well, we'll never know, CLAMP pulled them out again for TWC so maybe something will come up... maybe...
Tokyo Ghoul is awesome even if, to be honest, I've to say I favour the manga to the anime ^_- but maybe it's because the manga gets more into details...
I'm sure we would!
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