Umineko: Umineko character’s birthday table

Jun 25, 2014 01:00

Okay, so time ago Ryukishi shared some of the characters' birthdays so I made a list and ranted a bit about them.

01/April (Aries): Hachijo Ikuko - This might be casual but it also matches with April's fool.

25/May (Gemini): Yasuda Sayo (Shannon) - It'll be interesting if this was the date in which Yasu fell from a cliff, but we can't really know if Genji picked up a random date as her birthday or used that one.

03/June (Gemini): Ushiromiya Rosa.

10/June (Gemini): Ronoue Genji & Ronove - Their birthdays match as Genji is Ronove's vessel.

17/June (Gemini): Ushiromiya Ange - It's assumed to be Ange's birthday as it's taken from a picture that was supposedly taken during it but... it gets things a little messy. Ange is 6 in 1986, meaning she had birth in 1980. However in 1980, likely in October, Battler was making his promise to Shannon... meaning Asumu was still alive and Ange wasn't born yet.

15/July (Cancer): Ushiromiya Battler.

17/August (Leo): Ushiromiya Kinzo - Interesting enough this means Kinzo is a Leo which might explain how it's obsession with Lions started.

04/October (Libra): Furudo Erika & Gaap - As Erika disappear in this date it can be a reference to when she gained the right to become a piece on the gameboard, and not her real birthday. Otherwise Erika really has poor luck by dying the same day she was born. As for Gaap it can be a reference to when she got her name as it was Maria who suggested the names for many of Yasu's immaginary friends.

06/October (Libra): Yoshiya (Kanon) - This date might match with the end of a family meeting. As Kanon was created after Battler didn't show up on one of them it would make sense for him to have this as a birthday.

15/October (Libra): Willard H. Wright (Will) - Will is born short after the Rokkenjima tragedy... if it was created when Battler/Tohya began reading one of Ikuko's mysteries it makes sense for him to have birth around this date.

29/November (Sagittarius): Ushiromiya Lion - This date matches with the date with which Yasu solves the epitaph so it likely isn't the birth of Yasu but the birth, in her mind, of the possibility an Ushiromiya Lion existed.

series: umineko no naku koro ni, essay

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