Okay, so I got intrigued as well by the video meme ‘Does this darkness have a name?’ which basically requiresplacing some footage that can match the audio of the final moment of Ep 16 of the third season of ‘One Tree Hill’. Before you ask no, I’m not a fan of the show, I’ve never watched it, I don’t even know if it was transmitted in my country…
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Comments 10
Actually... I've been working to other videos... but somehow I can't finish them. *sighs* The footage we have for SeiSu is too few and it doesn't help my tablet is broken... ;_;
I think the line 'Did it steal into our lives, or did we seek it out and embrace it?' strikes me the most. That line is basically TB in a nutshell. Did Seishirou sneak into Subaru's heart or did Subaru open it and let him in?
Anyway, thank you for making this! : )
*nods* it's one of the possible interpretations of that sentence, which is very fitting for TB. The whole dialogue fit TB vey well so I was surprised when I discovered no one ever used it for a TB vid. Poor Subaru though...
You're welcome!
Well, tracked you to where I can actually post a comment, haha. /has no profiles anywhere on the internet fml
BASICALLY I FRIGGIN LOVE YOU. LETS JUST PUT THAT RIGHT OUT THERE. Originally I saw your (I assume hand-drawn? <3) TB vid 'Agony' with all those glorious pics, and then I found THIS video only a few weeks ago, and OH LORD IT IS STUNNING WAAAH.
my feelings. ALL over the place. I loved it. And I showed it to all my TB/X loving friends.
you are awesome ;w;
yes, Agony is a hand-draw video... somewhere in this jounral you should find the pics I used for it... ^_-
Thank you so very, very much! It always make me overjoyed when someone likes my work and to know you even went so far as tracking me down made me even happier!
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