Title: "Settling a feud" - Unfinished
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU BASED ON THE MANGA. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), a bit of sappiness...
Notes: Unfinished by a lifetime and it’s probably going to stay as such since I can’t seem to be able to continue it…
"Tokyo Babylon" and "X" belong to Clamp. I'm merely using their characters because I love them... especially Seishiro and Subaru...
Ehy, Do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok?
Summary: ‘Someone’ had a great idea to stop the ‘disagreements’ between the Sumeragi and the Sakurazuka…
Seishiro had been visiting his mother’s house from when he was nine but that was the first time he saw her furious. She was pacing back and forth, her arms wrapped around her small, youthful body and her eyes were sparkling. She was pretty like that. He wouldn’t mind if she were to keep looking like that for a while, he decided.
“Seishiro,” she called as soon as she sensed his presence in the room.
“Yes, Kaasan?” he asked smiling another of those empty smiles she seemed to like so much. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Don’t you realize the situation we are in? And it’s all the Sumeragi Ichimon’s fault!” she told without raising her voice but forcing herself to control it in a very evident manner.
Seishiro sighed.
“Actually, Kaasan, no one had thought to inform me about the situation we’re in. I’ve the feeling they think I’m too young,” he explained calmly in a totally uncaring tone. His mother’s gaze implied clearly the other members of the Sakurazuka-Ke were a mass of idiots and she made a quick gesture with her hand as if to imply Seishiro shouldn’t even consider to listen them.
“Well, you should know instead, since it regards you too,” she stated. “You know about how the Sumeragi Ichimon keeps pretending to stick its nose in our business, control us and such in that horrible whining way, bugging our beloved Kinjo-Heika?”
“Yes, I’ve heard about it,” Seishiro replied without commenting over this being the Sakurazuka-Ke’s version and that they too whined with the emperor all the time because they wanted to impose their wishes over the Sumeragi Ichimon. Not that Seishiro cared. Actually he planned to do the same as soon as he would get the chance to impose his wills.
“Well, Kinjo-Heika was so bored by their whining that he decided to use extreme measures to quit it. Extreme measures,” his mother went on waving a finger in emphasis. “And we ended up involved in this horrible mess.”
“Somehow I doubt he wants you to kill all the Sumeragi,” Seishiro commented carelessly, going straight to the fridge. This story was starting to get boring and there should still be some cake left…
“Sadly that’s not his plan,” his mother answered with a dramatic sigh and a little shake of her pretty head. “He wants the Sakurazuka-Ke to unite to the Sumeragi Ichimon. Through marriage,” she explained.
“Oh. Well, if I were in him I wouldn’t hope that the marriage of one of my cousins with someone of Sumeragi’s blood will fix the problem but…” Seishiro replied distractedly as he rummaged through the fridge. Where had been put that slice of chocolate cake?
“Not one of your cousins. You. As future head you get the dubious ‘honour’ of marrying with someone of Sumeragi’s blood. And the future Sumeragi’s head will have to do the same with someone of Sakurazuka’s blood,” his mother told him sweetly and Seishiro knew that when she used that tone it meant troubles but he couldn’t see them right then and so he simply laughed at her words.
“Kaasan, that’s a joke, I’m a little underage to marry. According to the law I must be at least eighteen. Tell Kinjo-Heika he will have to deal with the Sumeragi’s whining for four years more if that’s his plan,” he suggested grinning as he finally retrieved his slice of cake. Now… milk.
“Don’t be disrespectful, Seishiro,” his mother chided him gently. “Besides I don’t think Kinjo-Heika would mind waiting if he were to believe this has chances to work and that’s something we can’t accept. There won’t be any marriage that will involve you, a Sumeragi and the production of an offspring and that’s why I told him you can’t marry a female because you’re gay and, simply put, you won’t function,” his mother told him in an innocent tone. Seishiro almost dropped the milk bottle.
“You told Kinjo-Heika I’m what?” he asked. “Since when? Kaasan, you should know better than any other that I… work just fine with females… and I don’t think Kinjo-Heika will take well the fact you lied to him…”
“Don’t be silly, Seishiro. You’re still in your teenage years, your tastes might change all of sudden. Besides, being gay is surely better than being married to a Sumeragi,” his mother stated.
“Well, yes, now that you’ve destroyed my male reputation in front of Kinjo-Heika I do feel decidedly better,” Seishiro replied and, for once, he didn’t sound too pleased. “I do hope at least this helped.”
“No! No, because the Sumeragi Ichimon lied horribly to our beloved Kinjo-Heika and said their heir too is gay! As if they could already know that a five year old kid is already gay!” his mother hissed, slamming her delicate foot on the ground. Seishiro laughed then took a generous mouthful of cake.
“So the Sumeragi too had your same idea, Kaasan. Kinjo-Heika won’t be pleased by this turn of events. If I were in him I would suggest artificial insemination… or maybe he could decide to marry me and the Sumeragi’s heir together since, apparently, we share the same tastes…” Seishiro suggested in a joking tone.
“Seishiro… that’s exactly what he decided,” his mother announced back in a sugary mode.
“What, artificial insemination? Oh well, sorry if your plan didn’t work, Kaasan,” he replied carelessly, filling his glass with milk.
“No, not the artificial insemination,” his mother considered, her voice even more honey dripping. “He decided you and the future Sumeragi no TouShu will marry.”
This time Seishiro chocked on his milk.
“Marry? Me? With a child of… how old you said he is?”
“Five,” Setsuka said pleasantly. It was time Seishiro started to see that there was a problem and act accordingly. She didn’t see why she had to be the only one worried here.
“Nine years younger than me? I’m not a babysitter! I can’t stand little kids! They want their diapers changed, they whine, they complain, they’re boring, they don’t know manners, they pretend to have the cake all for them… And that’s… that’s paedophilia, isn’t it? Kaasan, can’t you do something?” Seishiro asked her in a pleading tone.
“Men. They always go whining to their mothers, asking them to find a solution for the messes they caused,” Setsuka replied, shaking her beautiful head slightly, as she smiled fondly at her son, completely forgetting she’d been the one who caused the mess in the first place. “Of course Kaasan will fix this mess for you, Seishiro,” she told him in her best motherly mode. “Poor, young Sumeragi-kun is going to have an… unfortunate incident. It’ll be better for his Ichimon too. A gay TouShu… No, definitely it won’t be acceptable…”
“Kaasan…” Seishiro asked looking at her warily. “What about the… misinformation you spread about me?”
“Oh, Seishiro, you’re in your teenage years. Boys of your age switch tastes all the time…” she replied carelessly. “Now be good and do your homework. You’ll see that Kaasan will have fixed this little problem of yours for the next time you’ll come to visit her…”
Nearly nonexistent chances it’ll be continued… it’s on hold by a lifetime… I’m sharing it merely because it’s sad to see it getting dust in a corner of my pc hard disk
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