Jul 20, 2003 20:24
saw ppl today :)
went rollerblading, talked. got tuna melt ( i have a love affair with tuna melts) carry out. the waitress was a bitch though. so what if we got there 10 min after they closed, what idiot closes at 3 pm? a weirdo idiot that's what!
beat 164 secs with 161 secs :)
nothin much to say there
talked to some ppl today :)
yesh talked to Katie M. whom i haven't spolen to since b4 school got out. we talked of cats and school and church, had a gay old chat while i ate breakfast.
got woken up by phone call :(
and katie m also called at 10 am, TOOO EARLY. i need a message to come on when ppl call b4 11 on sundays that says, "i'm not at church today, i'm SLEEPING, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
saw special person today :)
yay! was fun. went to park and walked around. then sat on bench and watched water / birds, also scared birds. was really nice. haven't like looked at the lake all summer. i dont think i got a hug though, :( how could i of forgotten, damn self get so mesmerized by special person forget silly things that normal ppl do when they see their special people.
also need to take a picture of set persons hair, because tomorrow it all goes. :( oh well , i'll get to play with the fuzz, at least i hope so.... can i? please?
have to go to school tomorrow :(
that part's not too great, but at least it's only for a few hours. wish me luck in not falling asleep.
well i'll maybe update tonight.
talk to you later