Sep 28, 2003 13:56
sorry i haven't updated in a really long time, i've had a lot of homework and stuff going on.
two ann arbor away games in the past two weeks, grrrrrrr. i hate bus rides. the hour ride home form one of the games people were screaming the entire time. blasting headache YAY!
papers, meh. still don't want to be in school. had 1600 word one due this week for shanle.
spirit week went ok. seniors were extremely annoying AGAIN. i'm just not a morning person at all and don't really see the point of having people a single year older than me allowed to yell in my face and blow there whistles for 30 minutes. i thought our decorations and float looked really good but unfortunately the teachers didn't agree. another reason why they should all be fired and the school closed.
we lost the homecoming game. but they played well so i guess that's a good thing.
the dance was awesome. dont really need to go into detail there. and alex did his job very well. (they kissed goodnight... twice!!)
and now i get to go take lots of notes and do homework and such. fun fun fun
i hope everyone had a nice past few weeks. and incase i dont update again for awhile, have i nice future few weeks.
ta ta