Sep 04, 2003 22:56

I passed my road test!! i'm so happy. yeah that sounds stupid, but sadly it is true. so the count down begins. my b-day is in 6 days! ahhh soo soon, i'm so old!

didn't do much else today. finished hw early so i practiced my flute. isn't that amazing! i think i practiced like 4 times last year, i really need to do it more, or at least until we go to orlando. after the trip i guess i wont care much. but hey, i'm like a band officer so i guess i should care. opps, umm practice everyone! do as i advise not as i do. cuz i cant tell you what to do nor do i want to, or is it at all my place. so simply mr white may be happier if we dont suck so bad. but hey, we have fun sucking! so it's all good

i also took a shower. idk why you all wanted tot know that but i did. my shampoo smells really good i love it! it's a free sample i got from star theater. it's like garnier fruicties or something. it's on the commercials and it's in a green bottle.

particle , or the band formerly known as the barnacles, is practicing this weekend!! yay! now all we have to do is learn how to like be a band. and sing and play things. and while were at it write songs. but hey were off to a great start? kinda, not really a start at all. oh well

OMG i just realized that i'm typing with out looking at the keys! i've been trying to perfect this all summer and i just realized i think i may have ( knock on wood ) or what ever you want to say. :) i'm happy! oo i just made that smile w/o looking either! this is soo cool. now if only i could do it without making alot of stupid mistakes. it seemed as if when i was jsut not thinking about it that i made alot less mistakes.

i also have a sinking feeling that i forgot to do something. like some homework or something. i guess maybe if i wrote things down that I might remember them. but alas, that takes alot of effort and also alot of remembering to bring that stupid blue book around. which after the first day of class forgot to bring around.

pep band is tomorrow . YAY! i love you pep band ( said in forest gump voice)

hmm, alot is not a word. however making it two words makes it sound kinda british!! yay!

well talk to you all later.

PS: i'm having the nickname on the back of my field hockey sweatshirt be Stebby. please , if you run into an instance where you could call me by a nick name, insert that. dont ask how i got it, it's too long a story and my fingers are tired. I'm trying to pick this up as a nickname. hopefully it will work :)
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