Oct 23, 2004 23:10
Hey there true believers, here's the thing. The south, yea ok it's cool, there are alot of cool people, no cold, lots of really cool things, sweet clubs and bars(not as good as boston but nothing else is) . And the Thugs(niggers/ghetto poor people), i can even tolerate them, because i just go where they aren't. and don't drive through their neighbor'hoods' at night, mostly for fear of getting robbed and murdered. And Mexicans, that's fine let them steal and thieve and take low paying jobs working in strawberry fields for 3$ an hour, somebody's got to do it. I still would be happier if all of them were dead(cept the south the i like). But there is one particular group of individuals that I have come to hate more than any other stereotypical group ever....even goths.
this group my companions is junkies. Not the current junkies who are probably going to end up dead if they keep going the way they are. I mean good let them do all the drugs they want and end up dead. I am going to start a petition to pass a law to not allow doctors to save people from oding. Think about it like this, and remember this is coming from a dude who does plenty of drugs in his time. If you can't be saved from an od, that'll scare alot of people off of doing the hard drugs. I mean would you honnestly try it if you knew that if something bad happened you are totally screwed if not dead. yea, i thought not. And if you answered yes i suggest you try the following combonation to test your integrity. Take about 50 advil, drink a liter of stolies, and pop a few e's, then lie on your back and try and touch your uvula. Trust me, you'll die. So That will not only save money on the drug wars because nobody will want to do them, but it will also rid the world of the worst type of person imaginable. These people are the ones that should have died, but instead altered their addiction to cult. The cult of christianity.
they are often heard saying things such as: "God is all the will power i need". Yea that is exactly why you can't be around alcohol or any drugs, because god is such good will power that he/she/it won't let you control yourself around these 'substances'. OH but cigarettes are ok, those aren't an addiction. FUCK THAT, FUCK AA, FUCK JUNKIES!.
all they do is replace one addiction for another and brainwash these people to think that they are saved. And of course, then they feel the need to share with EVERY GODDAMN PERSON AROUND THEM, their veiws on god and how they are right and any one that still does anything else is evil and should be vanquished. Because The magical mystifying G_O_D is in the hizouse and you better reccognize! FUCK THAT! These 'former junkies', 'born again' faggots( and i use this term not say the are gay but merely a bundle of sticks) go around proclaiming the AWSOMENESS of being saved. "god saved me from myself", HEY DICKHEADS I GOT A BETTER IDEA! MORE LICOR AND PILLS WILL WORK BETTER! and personaly i prefer them when they are nothing more than useless junkies.
Now i know, "oh my freind/brother/sister/cousin/mom/dad/etc. had a horrible addiction and aa and god made them a whole new person." well good for them; however, my commrad, that person should be dead. And in all rights respectively is dead. They have replaced with the personality and beliefs that in todays modern society may make them the perfect law abiding citizen. But i dare you, ask them if they had more fun when they were getting fucked up or now when they are sober. Listen to how many times God, the word church, and sobriety are infused in thier response. OR they might just be honnest and say it was more fun when they were trashed 24-7. That's because there was a reason they lost all self control, and it was because their life sucked. Now i ask you were you involved in their life durring their' bad days'? cause chances are they think that you aren't as good as them because they have found their 'savior'. OooO big scary mythical figure that shakes his finger at you from thousands of years ago, and says do it...do it and i'll fuckin spank you!. (ok that's a dogma quote) But where do you think Kevin Smith got that from, he didn't just pull it out of his ass! no there is an actual reasoning behind all of it. Walrus and the Carpenter, well yea they represent the religions yada yada yada, and they shuck and devour the oysters etc.; But the oysters are more than just the person. They are a shell with a being inside of them. And we as humans are also a shell, a body, with a person inside us, our soul/mind/heart/whatever the fuck you want to call it. And what these religions devour is our sense of free thought and any personality whatever. till we become nothing more than an empty shell. THAT's what the poem means. That these koolaid klans completely take away our personality. Now I am not saying all religious people are bad. no, this is not true. BUT everyone who is/was/will be in AA and a NEW born, should die.
"OH HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT!, MY (family or friends title) IS/WAS/WILLBE IN AA AND IS A NEW BORN(bornagain)"
well mi amigo, i would loose my little sister and several other close friends and family members. Saddly I would be devistated and torn apart by these losses. BUT did you assholes ever think for a second, well maybe it's not always about what I(me me me me me me me me me) wants, but rather what is better for society so that our children aren't faced with the appocalypse?? no you didn't. and that's because you are selfish, superficial, and morally currupt in every single goddamn way possible. There are sacrifices you have to make in life. and sometimes they are greater than you ever could have imagined and will become a giant burden on your shoulders that will haunt you for decades. and though it may make you sad, unhappy, hurt, whatever. It is for the greater good of society and the community. Jesus said turn the other cheek, God cast adam and eve out of the garden for not doing what he told them to. hmmm...... let's think about that, they are technically the same person the 'the magic of christianity' (aka bullshit) so wouldn't that be well, hypocritical? i mean if god turned the other cheek than he would have let adam and eve stay. There are many little things like this through out the bible(i personality don't care enought o find and list them all) that basically contradict themselves. Now take these Born Again Christian, (former junkies) they wear gold rings necklaces, crosses, and have all these things that well basically flaunt the fact the are fags..i mean christians. now aren't you supposed to give to the poor? well i am poor. so according to your precious 'bible' you should give me the jewelery and your wallet! what?! no? you won't, that's funny, maybe it's because you yourself are nothing more than a junkie feeding your addiction with magic instead of drugs. and not just any magic, magic that comes from a book that doesn't even make sense or stay consistent. Now in the business world, if the bible were an employee it would have been fired by every employer it had. and this would have led it to drink and do drugs to take away from the fact that it lets its life suck by following these insane ideals. And whola! we have why junkies like the bible so much! because they are the bible. and us normal, free thinking members of society that have some sort of self control and actual intelligence, well we don't buy into it.
You ever listen to prayers at a mass? zombies, every last one of them. empty oyster shells shucked by everyone's pal GOD. FUCK GOD, FUCK AA, FUCK BORN AGAINS(JUNKIES), FUCK CHRISTIANITY, FUCK JUDAISM, FUCK THE VATICAN, FUCK THIS BULLSHIT. i am out.
ps. if you have opinion on this you can call me anytime at 774-240-1810 and i will be glad to discuss this with you. i also will trace your number hunt you down, tie you to train tracks and piss on your face before the train comes. ESP. if you are born again. let's see god save you from that bitches.