*What dreams are made of*

Apr 10, 2005 02:02

Okay i haven't updated in forever so i have a lot to feel you in on..
SO be prepared to read...

Spring Break*
Lynsey and I went to North Carolina to visit some of my family but to make this as short as possible i am gonna do randoms about it
-Lynsey likes my cuz Brent
-We built a bon fire
-We ran away from my sister and made her mad
-Brent and I raced our cars and guess who the winner was? ME duh..
-Lynsey sprayed shaving cream on me and i almost killed her she made me so mad that i shuved her face in to the carpet..
-i got hit with a feather duster
-we rode 4 wheelers
-we experienced some things for the first time

Crystal came and picked me up at 5 and we went to lynsey's for some fun..
-We went crusin walmart later and crusin a few other places to but we wont talk about that one.
-we followed a few ppl
-we blowed at some cute guys

I went looking for a car and did not find one i really really liked...
-Me my dad and lynz stole my sis's jeep and went riding around.
-We ate at KFC
-Lynsey and I drove to the mall without my dad actually knowing where we were going..

Well i got this off lynsey
-->Here's a Quizy thingy:
Your gender: Female
Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
Single?: Yes
Want to be?: No not really
Your birth day: August
Age you act: Older than I am
Age you wish you were: 18 or 21
Your height: 5'5
The color of your eyes: Dark Blue
Happy with it?: Yes
The color of your hair: Blonde
Happy with it?: Yes
Left/right/ambidextrous?: Right
Your living arrangement?: Mom or Dad
Your family: Mom or dad it is according to where i am
What's your job: being me
Piercings?: Ears, belly button
Tattoos?: None, but i am working on that one
Obsessions?: jeeps
Do you speak another language? yeap a little bit of about 10
Have a favorite quote?:
 ` ·. ·´ ·. ·´
*I love your eyes But I love mine more Because without mine i can't see yours

Do you have a webpage?: Just this!*

Do you live in the moment?: Most of the time
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Depends on my mood and who it is
Do you have any secrets?: A bunch and half of them i ca't remember
Do you hate yourself?: No
Do you like your handwriting?: i don't hate it
Do you have any bad habits?: not sure but i am sure other ppl think i do
What is the compliment you get most from people?: being nice to others
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: The Thrill
What's your biggest fear?: being alone
Can you sing: can but it may not b all that great
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: No
Are you a loner?: No
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Yes
Are you a daredevil?: YES.. i am almost fearless
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes
Are you passive or aggressive?: Aggressive
Have you got a question?: Tons
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Stength: accepting things the way they are  weakness: boys...
If you could change one thing about yourself?: um...not sure i would have to think on that one
There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Love
How do you vent?: working out or washing my hair.and talking to lynsey
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: yea
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: i am sure there is
Do you think life has been good so far?: yea
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: I have learned a-lot!
What do you like the most about yourself?: that is a cocky ?
And least?: and that is a sensative ?
Do you think you are good looking?: Ask some1 else
Are you confident?: Most of the time
What is the fictional character you're most like?: kim possible..lol* i dunno
Do people know how you feel?: lynsey she can tell with my expressions on my face
Are you perceived wrongly?: Most of the time Yes...

-->DO YOU...
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: No
Read the newspaper?: Sports section
Pray?: Yea
Go to church? yes
Talk to strangers who IM you?: sometimes it is according how old they are and where they are from
Sleep with stuffed animals?: i sleep with 2 pillows too..
Take walks in the rain?: no i get wet
Talk to people even though you hate them?: not unless I want something
Drive?: YeS!*
Like to drive fast?: speed demon..

Liked your voice?: what??
Hurt yourself?: Not purposely!
Been out of the country?: Not that i know of but you never no
Eaten something that made other people sick?: probably
Burped?: yes
Been unfaithful?: no
Been in love?: yea
Done drugs?: No
Gone skinny dipping?: yes but it wasn't with a guy and no i am not a lesbien this was in like 5th grade
Had a surgery?:i dunno
Ran away from home?: No
Played strip poker: nope
Gotten beaten up?: Not yet but i imagine that will happen
Been picked on?: yes but i retaliate
Been on stage?: Yep
Slept outdoors?: Yea
Thought about suicide?: Nope
Pulled an all-nighter?: Yep
If yes, what is your record?:all night...
Talked on the phone all night?: Uhh yeah, i am a girl. Girl's love to talk
Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yep
Slept all day?: yes
Killed someone?: No
Made out with a stranger?: No
Had sex with a stranger?: No
Thought you're going crazy?: no.
Kissed the same sex?: no, that is what you call desperate
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no that is even more desperate
Been betrayed?: Yes
Had a dream that came true?: still workin on that one
Broken the law?: Yeap
Met a famous person?: yea if the weather amn counts as famous(hey he is on the tv
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: i don't think so
Stolen anything?: i don't think so
Been on radio/TV.?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yea
Had a nervous breakdown?: Not yet but sometimes i think that lynsey is goign to drive me to one ..hehe just kidding
Bungee jumped?: I want to, but over water with a guy to hold on to.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: i have deja vu all the time.

-->CLOTHES and other fashion
Shoe brand?: doesn't matter not picky!
Brand of clothing?: doesn't matter as long as i like it but my fav. store is hollister
Cologne/perfume?: Love spell or ralph lauren
What are you normally wearing to school?: Jeans, shirt, flip flop
Wear hats?: not allowed to at school so why bother and plus they give oyu hat hair
Wear make-up?: everyday of my life unless i feel bad
Favorite place to shop?: hollister or AE
Favorite article of clothing?: i love shoes(is that considered clothes) ok well i like clothes in gemeral but mostly shoes
Are you trendy?: i am not sure
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: If i had lost my mind

Believe in life on other planets?: Nope
Miracles?: Yea
Astrology?: Not really
Magic?: No
God?: Yes
Satan?: Yes
Santa?: haha yeah my mom
Ghosts?: yes
Luck?: Yes
Love at first sight?: Yes, that happens to me a lot
Yin and Yang?: No
Witches?: No
Easter bunny?: yeah, that one is my mom 2
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: yea on the lucky charms box
Do you wish on stars?: yea that and fountains

Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: Yes Do you remember your first boyfriend?: Yea
Still love him/her?: yea as one of my best friends
Do you consider love a mistake?: Nope
What do you find romantic?: hmm.. if i told you about that u would never get finished reading this thing
Turn-on of the opposite sex?: personality
Turn-off of the opposite sex?: being clingy or if you put yourslef down
Do you base your judgment on looks alone: I try not to but sometimes that happens
If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: if they told me i would tell them that they will find one some day because they express their feelings
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: Knowin them
Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: according to how stubborn the guy is.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: yes.. happens all the time..
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I dunno? I hope not
What is best thing in the opposite sex?: being able to have fun
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Imaturity
Are you in love?: Could be..
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: probably tell them they were hott and then ask for their digits

That haunted you?: my mom haunts me every night
You wanted to kill?: literally i don't think i should mention ne names
That you laughed at?: Lynsey and Crystal and me
That laughed at you?: lynsey and crystal
You went shopping with?: my dad and lynsey today actually
That broke your heart?: someone you don't know
To make you cry?: same person above
To brighten up your day?: lynsey jsut becuase she is there for me
That you thought about?: _ _ n_ _ _
You saw a movie with?: i don't remember the last time i went to the movies but it was prolly with my friend melissa
You talked to on the phone?: my mom
You talked to through IM?: Josh Whitt
You saw?: my dad
You lost?: My step-papaw or my aunt i am not sure which one came first
You thought was completely insane?: me crystal and lynsey on friday
You wanted to be?: me and always will
You told off?: my dad
You trusted?: lynsey and the time b4 that and b4 that and b4 that
You turned down?: mark collins

Smiled?: when me and lynsey were jammin to music in the car and my dad sat in the passenger seat just watching us make fool of ourself dancing
Laughed?: same as above
Cried?: over a boy
Bought something?: Today.. i bought a brownie from the cookie shop in the mall
Danced?: today with my steering wheel
Were sarcastic?: to shaun dowdy friday morning at school
hugged someone?: last night
Talked to an ex?: today
Watched your fave movie?: oh gosh like 3 months ago..
Had a nightmare?: all the time
Talked on the phone?: about an hour ago
Listened to the radio?: in the car tonight about 9:00
Watched TV?: about 9:30
Went out?: today
Helped someone?: that is all i did this week right lynsey?
Were mean?: i am mean all the time
Sang?: today
Saw a movie in a theater?: gee...like 5 months ago
Said "I love you"?: to my mo this morning
Missed someone?: all the time
Fought with a family member?: last night 
Fought with a friend?: spring break because of a shaving cream incident and another incident that i don't think she would want me to talk about
Had a serious conversation?: last night

Well i have been sitting here for over an hour doing this so i think i am done...if you want to know ne thing else just comment

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