
Feb 07, 2005 18:57

♥ Well here is a recap on this weekend. Friday I stayed at my sisters house and i woke up really early on saturday morning. My sister pulled some kind of pin out of her 4 wheel drive in her Jeep so my dad went and fixed it and then we went to the mall around 4 or something like that. We sung the whole way over there. I bet Greg (my sis's b/f) had a headache by the time that we got to the mall. We got to the mall at around 6, i think. Lynsey and i went off shopping. We saw Sarah Saunders and Bryson and his mom there. On the way back from the mall we sung Cher.. what was with that? I think that was Lynsey's idea. Leslie, Lynsey, and I sung "do you believe in life after love" haha. What crazy stuff we do sometimes. On the way back from the mall we stopped at movie stars and rented Cold Creek Manor and Bad "der" Santa. We went to my house and watched Cold Creek Manor. Lynsey's mom said that it was really scary, well at the end of the movie we figured out that her mom is a scaredy cat. After that we ate Chips Ahoy cookies and drank coke. We watched about half of Bad "der" Santa and then fell asleep.
♥ Sunday i woke up sick to my stomach. I leaned over to get out of bed, and it all came out. I just started throwing up. That really sucked because Lynsey was there and i felt bad because i was sick. Then i fell asleep by the toilet and woke up sick to my stomach again. We took Lynsey home and as soon as i got in the door at my sisters i threw up again. I was so sick. I had to stay in bed all day because every time that i would try to get up i would get really really dizzy. So i ended up sleeping 20 out of 24 hours. I couldn't go home because i couldn't get up to go home. Then i woke up this morning to my mo asking me if i thought that i could go to school. I told he no because i felt really weak and i hadn't eaten or drunk ne thing in a day and a half. My bro thought that i was gonna dehydrate but i didn't. I think that it was only a 36 hour thing though because i felt much better today. I ended up missing another day of school though and that is bad because i missed algebra again.
♥ I am so happy because i finally got my learners today. After seeing everyone get theirs and i couldn't get mine because i am a late born that sucks..lol* but i got them today. I was so nervous while i was taking the test. But i did good because i only missed 2 on the general knowledge part.

ne ways i am gonna go and lay down for a little while and rest for school tomarro.
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